Mid-Evil Empire wars (notification)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by lordbrightblade, Feb 5, 2014.

  1. We all know that the Continent Wars and World War KAW edition were a massive fail.

    Well I would like to prove that a player run event can work and will work. So after season 3 I plan to post another thread getting everything set and all the dates planned out. The theme of the wars will be Mid-Evil Empires. There will be a total of 4 clans with Max of 75members and minimum of 50members. I hope to get the Devs backing on this like the other 2 events.

    This is just a notification so people know about it. The other thread will be post shortly after Season 3 is over and will have everything dated and will have the sign up list. I would like to see as many people participating in this as possible.
  2. This will be ran after season 3 so everyone has a chance and it does not interfere with people's chances at getting the best equipment they can from season 3
  3. "Mid-evil" as in Medieval? Or just amid evil?
  4. Do you mean for this even to be wars between moderately evil kingdoms, or to have a "Middle Ages" theme? If the latter, you may want to change mid-evil to the proper spelling, medieval.
  5. I am sorry I just noticed that I will have this one locked and correct can't change it on phone
  6. Mods can u please lock this