MG member reset

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *hatandpant (01), Jan 18, 2013.

  1. I am a former zaft member. but recently a close friend of mine reset -evlrod very upset about this i think he reset since he got stripped sorry..
  2. Great... 

    Why didn't you post on the thread that he had already made...?
  3. Arbiter, y do you first whore for no reason and well feel sorry for a person that high to reset
  4. He just changed his name to Shine. He never reset
  5. I believe it was Luna who was stripped and wrote that stupid thread and changed her name to a "BarCode"

    We never had these kind of threads when we were doing the UWF vs ZiG wars.
    Sure there was trash talking in the forums. Including forum posts dedicated to famous strips.
    1. Ahdragos claiming his account was hacked by iG
    2. How to Train Your Ahdragos? (made it to best of)

    But honestly, we found those threads hilarious and it was all good fun.

    But these threads by smallish alts claiming to be this n that. It's REALLY Butt Hurt NOOB threads.

    Please if you're in this OSW, have some self respect. Have respect for your clan n for yourself.

    No one asked you to join the OSW.
    In fact if you ask those ex-WiGs during the UWF vs ZiG wars.
    Most of us became potless n allyless from getting stripfarmed. A lot of us became clan less. But we soldiered on.
    We took our mission n our objectives seriously. We continued hitting from the outside. And continued warring.

    Almost all of us slept with our iPhones plugged into our charger n had them on our chest, some near our pillows, bed stands, etc
    Our 3rd party app had voice messaging turned on, and all the beeps silenced.
    If we were getting stripfarmed, someone would shout through the VM "Male! MALE! You're getting stripped! You'll falling down clan ranks!!!!'
    Half the time we were zonked out. We had on a deathly parlor and looked sick. It was just great that flu season was on so we could take some days off n some days of medical leave.

    WiG had 78 members, we were fighting 13 clans, over the course of 3-months, all of us had no allies, we were pinned. Every hour we came back to zero spies n troops. Every now and then we'd crystal to make the other side difficult to keep track of our timing.
    In the end, there was 7 allyless, potless alts left behind in the clan.
    Oh sure, 25 quit n never came back to KaW, forever scarred by the brutality of OSW. They became our growth farms. They didn't reset their accounts. They left it so the rest of us would grow.

    Is OSW fun? Yepp
    If you're winning you grow.
    If you're losing, you really find out what kind of person you are:
    a. do you withdraw n stop chatting in CC
    b. do you take care n show your leadership qualities.
    c. What do you do?

    A lot of us became professional wall crawlers. Lol. There weren't PMs so it was just wall posts, Ally chat, and 3rd party apps.
  6. Malestone  i like your Post 
  7. Malestone, great post
  8. True story male.

    Cept I was against you then 
  9. Yep. Well said malestone
  10. Last post deleted for racism
  11. Well said male!
  12. EvlRoD used to own me:) sry he rest):
  13. *cocks gun* next person to post here get a bullet in the brain.

    Let it die.