message to I device users

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by hell-raiser34, Jul 18, 2012.

  1. hi im on pc atm coz im grounded(long story) and i cant see new equip can u send pics of new equip enchanted or not plz
  2. Grounded?...
  3. "Grounded"

    What's that?
  4. ^ where your parents take away certain priviliges such as going out because you did something bad...
  5. Naughty child
  6. Wulf has a thread about Equipment. I think it's either under strategy or Other Discussion
  7. When you are connected to the earth with both feet, which are protected by rubber, making you immune to lightning?
    Or that may be 'earthed'..
  8. You'd actually be safer without the rubber soles...
  9. My metal helmet will protect me.
  10. Safest with headphones to redirect the current to your iPod/phone ^^

    But that would mean no kaw for a while...
  11. My lightning rid helps so much more.....

  12. Is that what you call that little thing? :lol:
  13. My cape will protect me from lightning
  14. Don't get grounded next time
  15. @del

    U have insulted my manly-hood
    -goes to corner of shame- :cry:
  16. @Delphin

  17. It is when a kid, teenager, etc. Do something bad that there gaurdians told them not to do or just did something naughty. They get punished by there parents by losing privilges or(and) get stuff taken away.
  18. I have all equipment. ALL 