Merry xmas and goodbye

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Forgiving_Warrior, Dec 23, 2015.

  1. Thanks all which has warred , trained and been my friends with me over the years , I will be removing myself from kaw and wish you all the best in events and real life ! Oh and a happy Xmas everyone !!

    Kind regards
    Spy x
  2. Coulda been pmed ️
  3. *Makes a goodbye thread*

    *hides allies*

    So who's farming you? Looks to me like a "don't hit me anymore I'm 'inactive'" thread...

    In any case, "bye" and "good luck" out in the "real world"...
  4. I swear I've read this same thread from you before... Maybe two or three times.
  7. Check his wall haha his pretending to be inactive and playing on alt guess is he was getting farmed pretty hard
  8. Why y'all assuming things?
  9. Look at his wall hes bad at trying to pretend inactive his alt has posted on his wall, pretty clear to see obviously being farmed hard so pretending to quit game lol
  10. see you next week op :lol:
  11. His alt even has no owner bc he was owned by main account so main account dropped him smh
  13. Yikes :lol:
  14. Peace spy 