Merc War Beta

Discussion in 'Wars' started by __polar-bear__, Apr 26, 2013.

  1. Hey KaW, I'm planning to host a Merc war soon and I need participants. Merc wars are friendly wars that players run to get gold and have fun. I want that to happen again !!
    SIGNUPS are on this thread -
    Reply saying your:
    HLCB or not
    Hansel or Troop
    Finally your estimated CS.

    The war itself will be a 10v10 , Then I will expand to maybe 15v15 . Any questions? Wall me !
  2. Reserved

    Btw I have 1 clan prepped and ready for war , I just need 1 more empty clan for members to join . If I get enough members by Saturday I will be running them then
  3. Then expand to 100 vs 100?
  4. Yeah it used to be that, But I only have 7 right now so it will be a 10v10 beta, if all goes well I can make a better thread and have facts, making people want to join
  5. Detailed additions to the thread -
    This war will be a 12Hour Merc war starting at 12PM Western , Will be declared at 8AM Western .. It will be a fun way to earn gold and war, just like the Farmfest except I'm starting wars in clans .
    If I get a tad but more people, I could get a 25v25 or 100v100 .
    Any ideas or feedback that can fix this thread? Reply below!
  6. Wall me instead of replying , I need a rough draft of players participating
  7. 1. You have 4 SPD. We expect you to host war? This needs a bit more thought. Also you should req help from a buddy so you dont have to do all the work.
    2. Two its too small of a range of people maybe start with 20. Or 25z
    3. Get a few more SDP
  8. I do have 3 buddy's actuallyjust got stripped so I'm short of Pots which I refilled , And I think it'll be a great idea considering I have players DTW
  9. 20v20? I can do that but it'll take time, And dedicated players to not " flake " out
  10. Ok. Good make sure u guys work together well and agree on everything you put out there to public GL.
  11. Thanks for giving ideas, A 20v20 would be better . So thanks for improving . I'll have a couple buddy's commanding the participants , So they know who to hit and what to do
  12. You need pizzazz to hook them. Like the DD War. You need a story, not just...

    Hey. War here. Starting at 10. Place resumes below. Thanks bye.
  13. Lovely, I only do Merc wars on GaW it's a tad different here so I'm trying to do the best I can . I am replying more information about it every hour, And it seems to hook people with the title . Who doesn't like free hits? :)
  14. A full out 100 vs 100 war would be fun! Too bad it won't work if its not organized.
  15. I'm starting with a 20v20, If it all works out I will do a 100v100 organized, I would split members into groups of 4, different Adkins would lead them into their next target . I will go into more detail if all works out with this upcoming one , That's why I put beta in the title
  16. Don't think this will be a boring free hits war, if you wish to go against an OSW enemy or just a plain out enemy wall me!!! I can hook it up so you two are on the opposite team, anything I can do , I will try to do
  17. I will post more in morning, Please bump this thread once it falls off active topics, In the meantime you can sleep on it and make the decision if you are ready to face the Merc War, Good night all