So. Finally. The time has come. Marriage equality. Gay marriage. Legal in every state of America. Now. Time to start the gay agenda. I'll be the secretary for this meeting. The time called to order is xx:00:00 on 06/26/15. Who has the floor at this time? Me? Oh. I will pass it on to Ashes and Frog. They seem better equipped for this. Congrats fellow LGBT community folks.
I have seen you post in forums for a long time. There is always pictures and bbcodes. I am shocked you did not do the rainbow text.
Oh *censored*. You're right. A gay thread needs the gay symbolic colors. I think this thread has enough fabulous in it for all that it matters too. Plus, those rainbow texts are each individual codings. I didn't want to search threads for the link to that piece of crap coder and I am on the road ATM. I'll edit to make it look pretty gay later. Ok?
If you wanna be gay, then fine. Be gay, it doesn't bother me. What does bother me is the fact that there needs to be a gay pride parade, a gay day, etc. Yet if there was a straight pride parade, wouldn't it cause an absolute uproar? Gays ask to just be treated equally, yet this is just one example where equality lacks. Why do gays need to flamboyantly march in a Memorial Day parade dressed up like they're going to Vegas? Doesn't that seem like an attention grab simply because they're gay? I in absolutely no way believe that gays should be prohibited from marching in parades, etc, however I do believe that they should simply just follow along with everybody else. No need to make a big spectacle out of something that doesn't need to be one. I'm happy gays can get married legally in every state now, however I still don't think it should be treated as anything special. People compare it to the civil rights movement etc, it's nothing like that. That was literally an entire race being oppressed, quite a big different. My 2 cents
Tell me your straight struggles. Hot lesbians turn you down? Poor baby. And this is people all around the world being oppressed for their equal rights for loving the "wrong" side.
That pertains any relevancy to this thread? No. As a matter of fact it does not. For all you know I'm trisexual, bisexual, or omnisexual. However I'll take that response as a lacking of a legitimate one.
This thread is dumb. Who cares? If you are ghey, good for you. If you are straight, good for you. No one needs any special attention because of their sexual orientation.
I agree with Xtreme. I don't see the need for such "flamboyant" marches and the like. They aren't being beaten by police, or lynched or anything near that, just settle your issue in court. Not to mention anyone who doesn't agree with people being gay is automatically considered a homophobe as demonstrated by op to Xtreme. You have your beliefs and others have theirs dont try to impose yours on us, because you sure as hell dont like us to do it to you. Its hyprocritcal and getting old.
Civil rights movements. They marched. They did parades. Just cause LGBT did it dressed in flashy colors doesn't mean they aren't allowed to do it either.
Civil rights involved like 50% of america's population, not to mention they were literally being publicly abused, lynched, murdered, unfairly prosecuted, THEY WERE SEGREGATED. Last I checked the only problem gays have is that the Church wont acknowledge your marraige and people vote against it. Dont even compare yourself to the same struggle that those people went through.
If I had a white straight pride parade, would that gander hatred? Of course it would. You know why? The very very simple answer to that question is, what's equal for some isn't equal for all. As I said, I don't have a problem with a gay pride parade, but shouldn't they be over now since there's nothing to be more prideful about than any other marriage? Since gay marriage isn't gay marriage anymore, it's just simply marriage?