mechanic changes?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Xx_H-I-D-U-D-E_xX, Oct 3, 2013.

  1. Previously I have shown that the gold loss from steals doesn't change with combined stats. This meant a tiny GH can steal and take exactly the same as a HLBC spy.

    But recently this has changed and steals are now affected by the size of the acc stealing. Something to keep in mind. You can lose tons from a large spy build stealing, and lose little to nothing even with a lot out from a small account. So if you have Alts you may want them the largest CS as possible if you intend to use them for stripping.

    On the other hand, I don't know if you have noticed, but there has been an increased difficulty in scouting players such as hansels or heavily towered builds. I don't know wether this is because of new buildings, but my atk builds always barely win scouts on hansels that are full when this has never happened.

    Because of this you may want to think about a build that's something like 100k/2m/5m/8.5m. Get a few of them and the only way to pin you is full potted scouts. That's gonna cost the enemy some major cash. And I know what builds my Alts are going :roll: and it basically means your never gonna be sat on in a 1v1 or OSW. ADT has also became an increasingly popular building. Believe it or not, I was one of the first to "start it off". I liked KingSmoker's towers on both sides and started telling everyone to get it. Then I asked sol to try ADT hansel. Now look. Everyone's starting to go that build lol. Same with GHT. Season 1 I told GH to build towers, then we dropped them because we believed it added too much CS and now look where GUild hansel Towers are

    Think about your final build. Maybe post it here. But if u want my advice feel free to ask. Tis just a little game update for many who haven't noticed.
  2. Atk: 9,658,326
    Def: 9,304,304
    Spy Atk: 2,112,520
    Spy Def: 4,021,613
    SSD:1,909,093..... im only short 14T....
  3. I think I'm going to go for all attack buildings with 1 guild for my final build. I got a long way to go.
  4. It has always been this way.
  5. So, VAL, you say having many SoS alts helps in strips? … I know what to do next…
  6. Val steals have always (since I can remember) been determined by size of build mate. The bigger the acct stealing you is, the higher the losses.

    Been that way for as long as I remember:)
  7. I have data from 1.5 years ago showing that amount taken is impacted by the size difference between the stealer and the defender. Only build and BFA impact it. Equipment, spy levels, spy attack, and pots do not impact the % taken.
  8. I got a ss from about 6mo ago showing that size matters, I can dig it up for you if you like
  9. I remember early s1 I said hansels with adt in sotra but like lots of things was passed aside. Lol then now it happened but wouldn't be my help lol as other clans did after.
    Tired so probably won't make sense or stuff is missing 

    Good post btw 
  10. What I believe OP main point is that GH can no longer smash HLBC like they used to (he proved this to someone before). And you used to be able to scout anyone with almost no fails. Not anymore. Devs are trying to slowly take away the GH power of kicking ass on large accts and take lots of gold. Now they need more CS to get win hits. Correct me if I'm wrong OP.
  11. Well I done a test on my bank on a thread. I stole with a GH and stole with an acc much bigger and both took the same amount. This was in the gap between seasons.
  12. Here was the test.

  13. The first acc being on the "edge of DTS" to a GH. Meaning it takes 1% a hit off of a Guild hansel. First 2 actions where that account. Then I hit with another guild hansel and the steal loss was exactly the same but attack loss plummeted
  14. [​IMG]

    now I'm not sure who the accounts are but I think it's pretty obvious that it's different accounts
  15. OP...I like the build suggestion. Would be a great build in system wars.
  16. Corsair your SS could be unholy aura coming into play. Or the mechanics have changed like I said. But a few weeks ago the size of the acc stealing didn't matter on gold loss. Only atks mattered
  17. I would say unholy aura because its basically doubled the amount taken.
  18. How about a build complete attack build 1 guild and all of HF as spy defense towers? Would that protect my gold now, Val?