Meat drugs alcohol

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by KillBatman, Nov 20, 2015.

  1. First Im going to say 89% of deaths is not do to alcohol. meat dose not cause cancer. who gave u the balls to say marijuana "is the root to evil. alcohol doesn't kill people, and meat is healthy why do we have teeth. Marijuana has health benefits, Next time u post on my world chat I will have you striped farmed. SO SHUT THE HEAK UP.
  2. *EDIT*
  3. Well clearly 89% of death aren't from alcohol Bc less then 89% even drink and everyone dies however op seems a little butt hurt someone told him his habits are bad? lol
  4. I'm sensing some built up anger
  5. I love you
  6. Op is a alcoholic stoner with a taste for steak.
  7. If 89% of death is not due to alcohol, then that must mean that when u drink alcohol there's an 11% chance ur gonna die
  8. Support the idea, don't support the way it's been presented.
  9. I feel like this thread is a response to something...
  10. What's "striped farmed"?


  11. Hahahaha, I'd say 95% of people do drink, and 11% of deaths being caused by drug or alcohol related incidents seems quite likely. I know multiple people who have died because of this, others who have came close, and many who have suffered from alcoholism, stuffing up their lives during this time. Doesnt 11% of deaths alarm you? Thats 1 in 10 people...
    TO ALL WHO NEED HELP, THERE IS HELP OUT THERE, NOT JUST REHABS, BUT ALSO ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS AND NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS, SEARCH GOOGLE TO FIND OUT MORE, and by the way, it helps a **** load more than you may think, and you'll meet a heap of great people in the process.
  12. The number one overall cause of death in the U.S. is heart disease; The number one cause of death in young adults in the U.S. is unintentional injuries. I am willing to bet that frequent alcohol consumption plays a significant role in many heart conditions that lead to death. I am also willing to bet that many people have died because they were drunk enough to do something dangerous with potentially fatal consequences.

    Furthermore, because of dopamine increase due to smoking pot, excessive marijuana use can cause dopamine levels to drop in the brain, in order for the brain to achieve a balance in its neurotransmitters. Basically, the brain produces less dopamine because it anticipates that marijuana consumption will bring the levels of dopamine to a regular amount. That is one reason why stoners don't feel 'normal' unless they smoke weed. This will absolutely lead to a chemical dependency, despite the abundant rhetoric about the drug being non-addictive. Although the physical withdrawal symptoms of marijuana pale in comparison to more severe drug addictions--such as heroin or meth, which can lead to desperate actions by addicts seeking relief from their experienced pain--minimal withdrawal symptoms do exist from marijuana. The lesser symptoms are physical; for example, insomnia or lack of appetite. The more severe symptoms are psychological and involve depression or moodswings.

    Lastly, the World Health Organization has published the results of studies that have found meat products to be carcinogenic. And it's not just red meat that can cause cancer.
  13. Since we are talking about beef........

    What do you call a cow with no legs????

    Doesn't matter, they won't come running em whatever you want.
  14. Meat and drugs and alcohol are bad
  15. D numbah wan couz av d3@th iz becoming afraid of it. Numbah tu couz iz ignoring that it eggzest. Numbah tweeh iz when u r living az if u r awready dead.

    chillax bro :D
  16. Wtf is that ..... I swear that is not English
  17. Weed trip any day better than alcohol its peaceful