Me vs Tcasey

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Skaddy, Aug 13, 2013.

  1. I was set up on a blind sate after asking LIFE to get m someone I can farm. I also said pref one that`ll call in wc for help. He found me one and I failed steal and attack, so he posted to my wall, all messages there, retaliated, I gave CF terms and here they are.

    We have been fighting and buy pots while getting hit. We have brought people in the fight but he brought the first. I brought 3 people in and withdrawed them, he has called in outside hits because I got hit by --a_hero-- and my clan has taken care of it. If you wann help either side feel more then welcome to, I always enjoy inc.
  2. So you lost an then tried to make him disband a clan?
  3. Wait, so you wanted someone who would ask for help so that you could then ask for help...okay, got it.
  4. You mad bro
  5. He's gotta be mad making 2 threads about me
  6. Why so many threads about this no one cares reset already
  7. Ever heard of a lag dumbass?
  8. Lag ? What are you saying ?
  9. 4 threads, all about 3 minutes apart.

    That's operator error. Noob.
  10. This dude is def pretty annoying...hey someone to farm a bit
  11. So OP you wanted someone easy and failed then you wanna make demands, then that person you hit gets you farmed, so then you get butt hurt and call in people cause you can't handle you own problem.

    Ok got it 
  12. ^ wow, phrased so much better than mine. Props yo.
  13. Not that I phrase things very well though.
  14. Op asked me to help him. Maybe I should farm Op.
  15. Well this turned out bad for op. Shame this should have been kept 1v1... Shame the person op is farming was 1st to bring in back up but you are all farming op?
  16. So the title is basically saying 1vs1 yet it's so different. Op says he went 1 vs clan, pretty sure your clan helped you on that.
  17. Ops clan is in og and sicniss as well as 49 other giant alliances! 
  18. He asked for a target that would call for help. Got one then did the same. I...I don't get the point of it. So you don't really want 1 v 1 but rather clan vs clan. Very misleading. Must be a genius.