maybe it's time

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Barbarous, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. Zaft has run it's course they're done finito end of story I guess what I'm saying is come to a real clan with real help and real players who will talk to you and teach you the game Zaft is all fine and good when it comes to attacking a clan vs 1 player but bar will teach lto laugh this crap off join barbarian battlefield and tlaugh at bullies like zaft
  2. I'm glad you tried.
  3. Stop posting shitty threads and get out. No one cares if zaft pins you 24/7 like all the other many zaft haters before you.
  4. Tips with Blaze 

    1) Please put this in paragraphs, it's easier to read. Also Color and possibly pictures.

    2)You don't have to make fun of a successful clan to make you look cool.

    3) Just a few grammar and spelling mistakes

    4) You need a sombrero.
  5. Sombreros are badass
  6. Lol clearly Barbarous has nothing better to do.
  7. I know right? We would all take him serious if he had one.
  8. Same thing with Vane.
  9. I laughed so hard my sombrero fell off and I dropped my taco...
  10. Sombreros are número UNO!
  11. Bar was my mentor and is a friend so i know he's serious, but sombreros are just so pretty.
  12. Hi Hipster Princess.
  13. Deadpool: NEED MORE TACOS
  14. LOL I'm a big Deadpool fan!
  15. Thanks for the reference, Hero!
  16. Cuckoo Alert  Cuckoo  Cuckoo Cuckooooo 
  17. Great fourm speaking the truth see zaft we can spam with alts to lmao but I really go to say thanks kaw player for showin so much love dont worry thus time to speak out zaft is having a hand full already last thing they want is more people joining this epic pot buring that going on
  18. Taylor an alt.

    This kid is funny.
  19. Yes borther the time is now