Max plunder

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by iesididiritopvpqbgpvoavovaova, Apr 14, 2010.

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  1. W00t this is max plunder bonus from allies it ends in--000,ironicaly in this case it ended in --0000
  2. I had one that was 3600000 5 0's ftw
  3. My plunderz about the same from allies
  4. How is that ironic? o_O
  5. How do u get more plunder??!!
  6. Max plunder is somewhat around 8.960,000
  7. Noob
  8. Seems like u r talking of max ALLY BONUS.
    Each structure a player has a hidden value that increases the available ally bonus. To get ones Ally Bonus maxxed, one has to hire more and more allies or bank gold in one or two allies so that they provide a higher plunder to allies as indicated on an ally profile.

    Once Ally Bonus is maxxed, u may see ur ally bonus on the victory screen ending in 000. However, it is seen that it takes more allies to gain max ally bonus when attacking smaller targets (targets with lower stats than urself)

    does this make sense?
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