Max Plunder Makes No Sense...

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *Huujo (01), Nov 8, 2012.

  1. I've been playing this game for about 6 weeks and I have nearly 2.2mil CS. I have been researching to find out how plunder works and everything that I have found is NOT in-line with anything that I have seen for myself.


    First, I have seen in a few threads that your max ally plunder is based on your allies value and to be at max you should have your CSx5500 worth of allies. HOWEVER, my CS being 2,188,888(currently)x5500 is 12,038,884,000 but I only have a little over 7 billion worth of allies and am at my max ally plunder.

    In addition, for the last WEEK OR TWO, every upgrade I do seems to do NOTHING for my plunder. My ally bonus has actually gone DOWN steadily while I've been upgrading my Cursed Foundries from lvl 2 to lvl 3.

    I don't understand why I would LOSE ally bonus when I do upgrades. I now have 9 lvl 3 Foundries and 1 lvl 3 Circle of Elements and although my stats are going up, my plunder is getting worse???

    I would be grateful if anyone can explain why this is happening....
  2. Coz c f s are ****
    Lowest stats lowest plunder
    Just go till Your at max plunder then stop
  3. So why are foundries so bad, should I be building something else?
  4. CoEs are the best
  5. Plunder-wise, per hit, CoE's are better than Foundries? Why is that? Can you explain to me or point me to a thread explaining how I should be building to maximize plunder from EBs?

    Most of my kingdom right now is lvl 2 Subterranean Factories which I'm upgrading to Foundries. I have been building a foundry and upgrading it to lvl 3 before I move on to the next building. Despite such a HUGE jump in building "quality" my plunder barely moves when I do an upgrade and usually goes DOWN when I change from a lvl 2 Factory to a lvl 1 Foundry.. WTF is that?!
  6. Ok, so if you aren't above your mp when you upgrade, while your max plunder how up, the actual amount you will earn with that much I allies will go down. So, basically, buy more allies.
  7. As to plunder, basically defensive troop buildings give the best plunder, since they have the highest combined stats. The valence builds give a few more hits, though you only need one for that. I wish I could point you to a thread, and I know they're out there, but I'm too tired to remember ATM.
  8. My ally plunder cap isn't the issue. Every time I do any sort of upgrade or change to my kingdom I check my max plunder. I am currently at my cap with only 7b in allies which is nearly half of what the "math" I've found on the forums would recommend.
  9. Plus if u want ur plunder up..... BUILD GUILDS
  10. Your cap is not solely based on your build yanno. Partially based upon the relative strength of you as opposed to your opponent (in this case, the EB)
  11. Different buildings have different plunder values. A maxed out guild will have better plunder then a level 2 cursed foundry. A level 1 torture garden will have better plunder then a level 3 Coe.

    And as far as max plunder I seriously doubt your maxed with only 7 bil at your size. You require more gold in ally's then you think to max plunder.

    A T4 hlbc player required roughly 20bil. A T5 fully built player requires close to 30bil. Depending on eb or player your hitting obviously.

    You need to read up some more and make sure to keep a decent ally base. Shooting for only your max on hauntings will not mean your maxed on all things you do.
  12. That's bcos T4 building costs were halved, do number of allies can be less at 7B.

    Lets look at Haunting:
    You had T3 SubFac L2, which you sold to build a T4 CF. and you noticed your plunder drop?
    Am I right?

    That's bcos Haunting is a Tier 3/4 EB.
    When you upgrade building to T4, you are on par with the EB.
    When you used T4 Building, of course the plunder drops, but when it was a T3, NCOs you're attacking a larger force.
  13. Different ebs cap your Max plunder. TLairs give you the highest plunder in T4...TGardens in T5. That 5500 way off by the way. It puts you over your MP. Which is a good thing. Buy as many allies as you can using the ally numbers from Havoc's thread.
  14. Not NCOS. Lol. It's bcos

    When you are T4L3 HCBC, you need a minimum of 20b in allies to maxP

    For T5L3 HCBC, you need a minimum of 100b to maxP. 30b is too little.

    But as you go past the magic number 459B, your AB tends to edge up at 60k per 10b of ally bought.
  15. No the issue is that when he upgrades he need increase in allies. He was Max plunder before he was smaller but now he growing 7bil in allies ain't enough. You should at least have 15bil in allies to be Max plunder.
  16. Agree with you DanyJr
  17. Follow me
  18. I told you guys my ally plunder is maxed. I have tested it by buying allies. I am getting 13,279,001 ally plunder when I attack Haunting Phase 2 and buying more allies DOES NOT increase this number. I specifically stated that in the ORIGINAL post to avoid those kinds of responses.

    All this being said, I after upgrading FIVE Foundries from lvl 2 to lvl 3, I have gained a whopping ~50k in ally plunder. It's been about 10k each and honestly, it's worth more gold to me right now NOT to upgrade anything. I am actually LOSING money by upgrading my buildings, this is STUPID.
  19. Long term it pays off.
  20. How does it "pay off"? People keep claiming on the forums that it somehow gets balanced out but in truth, based on an increase of only 10 THOUSAND per hit for an upgrade that cost me 6 BILLION. I have to hit 600,000 times to pay that off. In my lifetime of KaW playing I have hit 10,936 times or roughly TWO PERCENT of what is required to make back what I spent.

    Explain to me how that will somehow "even out"...