Max Plunder Build- beginner guide to FAST growth

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *Cold_Rocks (01), May 20, 2013.

  1. “Always be at Max Plunder”
    A beginner’s guide to max growth and most effective early build

    First, the build: 29 land consisting of 22-L4 guilds, 5-L3 sub factories, 1- L3 Aviary and a castle.
    Step one- The Volley.
    When you join you should get hired back and forth by a few players- don’t do anything until they are finished.
    When the clan has volleyed you up as high as they are going to go, you should now have several million in gold. Now buy potions (pots) they will let you know what you will need and how many to buy. It will be a LOT (like 500).
    Then, explore out until you have 9 land- total. This includes the castle, so 8 more after that. Tear down everything but your guild(s).
    Build 3 Forges and one Beastiary- upgrade them all to L3. Fill the rest of your land with guilds and upgrade them to L2.
    Any $$ you have left should be dedicated to buying allies.

    Step 2: The first Epic Battle
    Once the clan finishes the Epic Battle (eb) they are on, they will have given you some instruction on how the game is played and what to do in the next one. Follow those instructions, as best you can. You should be able to attack with your soldiers and your spies- learning how each different option works and what works best for you.
    After the eb is over, you will get a TON of cash- use this to first, expand your kingdom then buy more allies.
    Explore 2 land- build 2 more L3 forges. Explore more lands and build L2 guilds. When you get to land 16 it will cost 100mil to explore- so you will want to go back and upgrade all your guilds to L3 but you shouldn’t get there, yet.

    Step 3: Battling and growing in the clan.
    This is where the game starts getting fun! Get to know the rest of your clan- you should know one well, as they have been guiding you but there’s plenty more in the clan to talk to. Clan Chat (cc) is a great way to do that- get on there everytime you log in.
    Explore out to 16 land, then upgrade all guilds to L3- keeps LOTS of $$ in allies
    Explore a few more land (build L3 Guilds)- before you buy the 20th (it will costs 900mil) convert all your Forges to Sub-Factories and the Beastiary into an Aviary- upgrade all to L3.
    Then, upgrade all your Guilds to L4- you will also need to buy a TON more allies in between each upgrade (you’ll probably need around 3-4B by this time).

    Step 4: The finishing touches.
    There are just a few more things to do to ‘finish’ this build- Explore the rest of the land. Explore the Highlands. Build more Guilds. Enjoy the ridiculous amounts of plunder you will be getting.

    Further- I would suggest converting your military to T4- Foundries and COEs. This will push your cs up to nearly 2mill, where you can move directly into a Haunt clan- although if you don’t have them, you might want to pick up the helmet, arm plate, and hooves.
  2. Your kind of unclear with a few things. 1st if you explore 9 lands but haven't built anything what would one tear down? 2nd why 500 pots and which Pots to buy? Answer these two questions and I'll ask 2 more.
  3. Umm what are the spacers for?
  4. Here is the defining guideline for this build: Do what’s cheapest.
    If it’s cheaper to convert (to lvl2), convert
    if it’s cheaper to upgrade, upgrade
    if it’s cheaper to Explore, explore (then build a guild)

    next, when deciding between similarly priced options- there’s a couple of things to consider:
    which one will make my Kingdom more effective?
    which one will make me the most plunder?

    ranked plunder buildings:

    That ranking doesn't really convey the whole story though- To quote Wulf "Not to get into a discussion about non-linear, reverse exponential equations- your plunder (per building) goes DOWN as your cs goes up."

    Large increases in cs, relative to your previous cs, will negatively affect your plunder MORE than the additional plunder you recieve from the new building.

    That is one reason I stopped this guide at 29 land- HL5 is 9B, more than the conversion to either SOS of T4. Players will definitely want to 'step up' their eb tier (probably directly to T5- Haunt) but converting to T4 will, actually, reduce your plunder- for the first 2-3 conversions. After that, your plunder will begin increasing since T4 provide better plunder than T3. The first conversion though will increase your cs by about 12%- dropping total plunder by almost 20%! Even with the increased plunder provided by the new T4 building.

    Some may want to go more spy- the SOS conversion is worse for plunder than the military is. Some may want to continue upping their plunder before converting- 9B for land + the Guild just gets pricey though.
  5. most people go through the tutorial, and build T1 military.

    Since T2 is available @ 9 land, tear those down and convert to T2
  6. Pointless spacers are pointless.

  7. I'm pretty sure I was clear on the pots idea- ask your clanmates. They will know what eb is next and let you know what pots to buy. As a small account, the new player will need to throw a HUGE pile of pots at whatever bar he's attacking with pots in order to clear it.
  8. Just call it a guild hansel... That's what it is.....
  9. Um, a Hansel has 1 military building. This has 6.

    A guild Hansel is MUCH bigger than 29 land. This is a MAX PLUNDER build- guilds just happen to increase cs the least while proving the most plunder.

    If you want to make money and grow- get enough military to hit the ebs you are doing, then build guilds. Stay at max plunder. That simple.
  10. ... Is this not a guild hansel????? XD
  11. Good article, recommend
  12. .... Or maybe hit an eb you can handle without using tons of pots? Beginners should not make beginners guides.

  13. He is referring to item phases for the pots.
  14. 1 How much the allies worth?
    2 which eb that gives the most plunder ( according to the cs and stats)