Max plunder and pwar etiquette

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *crusty_muffin_3000 (01), Apr 23, 2011.

  1. Ok, if you're reading this you're either 1) newer to the game or 2) looking to flame me for yet another post on this subject. Either way, ok. From what I've seen in clan chats during pwars, this should help newer players. But even experienced players may be wondering why am I putting max plunder together with pwar etiquette? Well, read on folks.

    Ok, so what is this max plunder that people keep referring to? Specifically, it's getting to the maximum allowed ally bonus you get from every attack based on your current build. There are loads of guides to this, but the short version is that for each attack, you get the plunder from your troops, and an ally bonus based off of (in part) how much money you have invested in allies (NOT based off of their stats). So, you ask, what is the maximum for this?

    As I said, it's based off of a number of factors, but the one that I'm going to focus on here is your invested $$ in allies. The more $$ you have invested in allies, the more you'll make in ally bonus - UP TO plunder max. Once you hit this amount, any additional $$ invested in allies will have no impact on your ally bonus. BUT, every time you upgrade buildings or build new ones, you must double-check that you are still at plunder max.

    So how do you check if you are at plunder max? Follow these steps:

    1). Attack a target you know you can beat. In the current system of constant pwars, the best way to do this is to join a pwar and attack the open osf (see below for pwar etiquette);

    2). Write down the EXACT amount you get for ally bonus. ONLY the ally bonus amount;

    3). Buy an ally. Any will do, but you need to buy one that won't get bought back right away. I always buy 2 200k allies just to be sure I hold 1 long enough for the test to work;

    4). Hit the same opponent that you hit in step 1 again, and look at your ally bonus (again, ONLY your ally bonus). If the amount is EXACTLY the same as in step 2, you are at max plunder. If not, you are not at max. NOTE: if the ally you bought in step 3 is bought before thus attack, the test is invalid.

    5). If not at max, buy more allies and repeat this test until you are at max.

    Generally, you will be at max if the amount of $$ you have invested in allies is 5500 times your combined stats (so if your combined stats are 1 million, you'd want at least 5.5 billion in allies). I buy more myself - I usually like 1b in allies for each 100k in stats, but that's just me. Once you are at plunder max for one opponent, you are at max for all opponents. The AMOUNT of ally bonus might fluctuate based on your opponents build, but if you are at plunder max for any one opponent, you are getting 100% of the possible ally bonus when you hit any opponent.

    As I mentioned, in the current state of KaW joining a pwar and hitting a osf is the easiest way to test your plunder max (not that I necessarily condone that as the best thing, but it is what it is). So, here are a few things to keep in mind if you go that route:

    1). Always read clan announcement and clan chat to see who is open. ONLY hit osf (and oaf if applicable) that is/are posted as open.

    2). Do NOT complain about dtw (hits can't go through because Defender is Too Weak). This is usually because of traffic - lots of people hitting osf. Just keep hitting until you get through. If something is wrong, the clans admins will usually find it quickly enough.

    3). Follow all rules of the clan. They might be mentioned in clan chat (cc) or clan announcement (ca) or on clan home page. Remember, you are a guest of that clan and are getting free money. Follow their rules.

    4). Do NOT ask for hires/volleys or ask for people to hire your allies in cc. If you want a volley partner, it's ok to ask in cc, but don't be a pest about it.

    5). Pay attention to ca, and follow any directions there.

    6). Thank the osf, oaf, admins and clans when you are done hitting. It's common courtesy :)

    7). Don't do anything to annoy the clan members - see #3.

    8). Do NOT start wars, or bring farming issues, into cc. Unless it us your home clan, the hosting clan is not going to want to solve a strangers problems.

    9). Know whether you need to ask to be kicked or if you can just leave in a hit n run pwar (sidenote: know if it is a hit n run or stay and play pwar before joining, and act accordingly).

    10). Try to make friends in cc. You might like the clan, and maybe you'll find a new home clan. Or at least get an invite back for the next pwar.

    11). If you're able, help however you can. Usually involves using speakers to post world chat if you can spare them. Plus, this helps with #10.

    Ok, it's long, but from what I've seen in cc of pwars, both parts of this could help a lot of newer players. I would like to thank luv, p, sorkaface, red, tob, patong, q, bb, dev, david and a host of others not listed here from b3 and DoN. Names have been changed to protect the innocent, but you know who you are ;)

    Flame away KaW.
  2. There is no etequite whatsoever in KaW.
  3. At least no one is flaming it yet :D
  4. Good job crusty :p
  5. Please, for the love of god, newbies read this.

  6. I'd love to talk about MP sometime, but your brain may explode.
  7. Too late - mush can't explode lol
  8. I would like to discuss though as I do wonder how the formulas for the other factors work.
  9. Why do we need pw etiquette? We need to get rid of pws.
  10. If I'm max plunder on a 700k OSF, doesn't mean in max plunder on a 3mil OSF, get your facts straight... :|
  11. It's not that we don't know pwar etiquette,

    We just don't follow it
  12. I hate when cc Is clogged by "Ty Ty Ty thx Ty thank" and so on....
  13. Yeah, Butcher is right, ally bonus changes depending on who you're hitting, just make sure you're hitting for a relatively high amount - no point in ripping yourself off just for the rare occasions you get to use a 8mil OSF.

    As long as plunder wars are here people can be polite about them and respectful. Overall - good thread.
  14. Butcher - if you're at max ally bonus against one opponent, you are at max plunder against all. The amount may change, but in every case you will get 100% of the possible ally bonus against that particular individual.
  15. Your pwar guide sucks. You have to pay tax. Try my way instead.

    1) Go to active wars and find a pwar.
    2) Check the osf side to see if you are strong/weak enough to hit any.
    3) If you can hit any, use a regen on them.
    4) If you can't, check the next pwar on the list.

    You don't have to leave your own clan for this and there's no tax so you make more money.
  16. Dionubis - the amount you get out of a bigger opponent in ally bonus might go up, but you'd still be at max.

    Ex: you are hitting an opponent with 800k combined stats. You go through the test, and the test says your at max plunder, because in both attacks, you got $12m in ally bonus. Now you hit a 5m combined stats opponent. You WILL be at plunder max against that opponent (assuming nothing about your build/allies has changed), but the AMOUNT will be much higher - say 24m. That 24m will say the same even if you buy another ally, because you're already at plunder max. So the amount can change depending on size of opponent, but you are still at max. Max against one = max against all.
  17. Dionubis - thanks for the  

    J3 - you could do that, but you will likely become a clan farm of the clan whose pwar you hit from outside.

    Like it or not, pwars are here and will stay until the incentive to use them is diminished. I agree it's not the most fun way to play the game, but again - it is what it is.
  18. You're wrong. I've been doing that for a week or more. I've been hit about 20 times total.
  19. My guess is it will eventually backfire, but it's your choice. Like the 70s said, diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks 