max crystal

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by lWARIl__Gabe__lILORIl, Nov 21, 2014.

  1. Why is there a max crystal, I understand per eb, but to limit the daily use is a lil much. I have been forced to waste my crux boxes because I can not xtal for 24 hrs and my boxes expire in 6hrs. So disappointed
  2. Perhaps you may have used the crystals in the wrong time?

    Well, at least it's better to use the Crux boxes then to let it go to waste. :)
  3. I want my money back, if I cant use crystals when ever I want, I can't be active 24 hrs a day so when I am active I'm really active,
  4. Once you spent real money (if that's what you did), it is irreversible. You cannot undo that action.

    If it's about
    gold though, you'll have to work to get it back again.

    Lesson: Use the Health Crystals and activate the Crux chests at the right time where you can probably get the highest gold plunder.