Matchups and Barcodes

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IIIIIIIIIDevilsRebornllIIllIIl, Feb 4, 2013.

  1. Dear Kaw,

    I have some suggestions to address 2 issues which I feel is affecting gameplay in recent Ee wars:

    1. Matchups
    Matchups remain a big issue and is probably the single largest issue affecting the outcome of Ee wars.

    My proposal : Limit war sizes to 2 categories. A small category with say [30 to 40] players and a large category with [45 to 60] players.

    With the above, clans can plan the number of warriors they wish to field for each war. If they choose to field 30 players in the small category, that is their choice and they should not complain if they get matched up with a 40-member clan.

    Make the mith payout for the large clan category slightly higher (say 10% higher) to compensate clans for the extra effort in fielding a large team. Hopefully this will encourage adequate participation in both categories such that matchups will be optimal (I know it will never be perfect).

    The clan sizes suggested above can be tweaked and I sure the devs have enough data by now to propose sensible restrictions.

    2. The Barcode wars
    I have seen too many similarly named characters in recent wars. Whilst it is a valid war strategy, it will take away enjoyment of the game as I see more clans will progressively adopt this.

    My proposal : Include clan roster number as a prefix when reporting KOs.

    It takes merely 20 nobs to make the change and everyone can do it. However, I don't want to lose my identity in the long run just because I want to war.

    Thanks for reading.
  2. Changing names with nobs = buy more nobs = more money for devs. 
  3. "I don't like barcodes"

    Says a barcode
  4. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: NO
  5. Good points, but too hard for devs to fix. And if there was two categories for war, I believe all clans would want to be in the easier bracket
  6. I know I hate barcodes too!
  7. Yeah not a fan of barcodes either :(
  8. I'm going to try that now lol.

    My next clans name

  9. Damn those barcodes. How dare someone have a name that looks like mine. Maybe their will be a huge OSW for other people using barcodes. Like how SE started the one with ZAFT over
  10. All the membs will be required to have bar codes and be hansels.
  11. Who cares....
    Forget the EE....

    Save your Nobs, 2x, 16 Mith n 4 hours of war with 250 pots of various cost. Use it all in Haunting n buy a nice beautiful ally.

    Do it enough times n you'll be in LB in 6-months.