Matching for War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by renamed673, Nov 17, 2013.

  1. Well as we know Our Match Up base on BFA , BFE , Hit Ratio And CS. But for some reason after Match Up BFA Still can be Change and It not Lock. Therefore after match up people can hire allies to increase they BFA and before match up they can make other hire they allies to decrease the BFA and match up with "Not so Good clan".
  2. @ war everyone banks gold. People often do that by hiring allies. They have already shut off the ability to add or upgrade buildings, they've even shut off the ability to change equipment. So you want restrict it even more? That just tells me you're afraid of a challenge and probably shouldn't be waring to begin with. The only methods left for banking gold now is hire allies, buy pots, or buy bars, and for bars & pots you lose a % of your gold. At least with allies you can potentially resell them and get all your gold back. So what you are really asking is for devs to change the game so that banking before war causes loss of gold 100% of the time. That's worse than an opponent potentially increasing their BFA a bit.
  3. They can bank they gold in Bronze Bar if they want to hire allies they can do it before match up!
  4. Usually in a war, I bank with allies.
  5. U hire allies during war the BFA in the clan will change a lot
  6. Like I said, if you bank with bars you lose gold. 1 bar costs 30,000,000. If you sell 1 bar you only get 22,500,000 back. That's a loss of 25%. So if you bank 100 bil in bars you will only get 75 bil back. I would rather fight someone who got an extra allie than be required to lose 25% of my gold to bank it.
  7. So ? U can hire allies b4 match up so u wont lose anything
  8. God your grammar and spelling is so bad it annoys me...