
Discussion in 'Wars' started by xXP_3Xx_Gamren_xXP_3Xx, May 18, 2014.

  1. Devs..... Matches are bad. I mean, really bad. But these matches are horrible! -No Drama-, a roster of 5 tanks and 6 sh, match rh with all sh. DEVS! OPEN UP YOUR EYES!!! You say you are going to fix it, but its taking to long!!!! I swear, you should just MANUALLY make these matches. I mean,its possible to! get a whole bunch of hardcore players that arent warring to make these matches,or make some random job to do it!! Yes, im raging/ranting... But just wow. Devs....
  2. Warring used to be fun... Yeah,i think im just going to stop warring.
  3. Lol I feel your pain

    Happened to me 5 times in one week drawing all SH clans
  4. I hate system warms, im waiting for pvp rewards :)
  5. Lol. Your the ones with the stacked roster complaining you matches RH.
  6. Their roster wasn't really stacked val

    They were running 3 bigs, 2 mids, 1 mid ps, 5 SH.

    That shouldn't have matched all SH roster, but RH will obviously bfa alter to go below dts line.
  7. Thank you troll, funny to always see people claiming it was stacked rosters when they probably didnt even look at it.
  8. When system exploiters, have it come back at them whine . . . Classic
  9. Aztec they weren't exploiting?

    Look at their damn rosters, clans almost have to roster SH because that's the majority of the people warring now days.

    God you people make me want to roundhouse kick a baby
  10. 
    Sh rosters matching makes no sense.
    You people have given it a reason. Make sense but that's just wrong psychology happening
    They shouldn't match anything except another sh clan
    So devs need to start matching sh vs sh or sh clans just need no matches. Seriously.

    Pull your head out of your ass devs
  11. I wasnt talking about this particular war, just op. I do however support the roundhouse kick baby thing, . . . Chuck Norris gif please.
  12. Troll reborn u called it right, roster jumping evident prior to war. Will DEVS do anything ???

  13. So much butthurt on this thread
  14. So much drama it's funny
  15. I love this thread.

    Thank you for reminding me why I don't war.
    And one damn SH is one too many.
  16. So you were your SH fully equipped ? If they were you wouldnt have matched easy fix
  17. Look all of u are moaning about wars but I speak for all the small kingdoms that would do anything to war

    Kaw was better when everyone could war it was more fun all this tank and attack and sh builds ruined the game

    If we all had our own builds like bfr wars would be fun