match making

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by The_Devils_Smile, May 13, 2014.

  1. I'll keep this short and sweet. First devs to suck at match making all of jaw agrees to that. Second I would like you guys to take a match and break it down how you and your program made that match. Can put total stats and bra bfe and show us how you make the match. Tired of you just saying hit ratio inform us more so the ppl who want to war can maybe set up a roster that does not get us sent to suckvi another horrible war.
  2. Maybe the devs don't suck at match making.

    Maybe the players, with all their shadows hansels and leaderboard stacking rosters, screws with the match making algorithms.

    Maybe if people stopped trying to get every last little advantage and exploit, then there would be better matchups and less no matches.
  3. Maybe people need to stop whining.
  4. Maybe. Just maybe. The quality of forum posts may improve. Just maybe ). :roll: op next time put more effort than a 9 year old please.
  5. I tought u ment romance:(****