
Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by BOUNDER, Jan 21, 2014.

  1. Could we fix the gold for nobility ....... to Nobility for Gold ? Makes more sense! Thx the B
  2. Yes that makes more sense 
  3. Support -protected by bounder-
  4. sounds like a great idea B. Thanks for input.
  5. Support. If we can change nob to gold, why not gold to nob
  6. You're not changing gold to nobility you're purchasing nobility with gold. 
  7. Because that is where the Devs make the money to make this game Free to Play for all.
  8. Support btw just correcting above
  9. I like it
  10. Well actually I just though the only thing nobility does is you can cash it in for money or use them to regain your troops no support that eliminates the cashing in unless you would use it as a bank but we also have bars.... And bigger members will just buy a but load of nobs and use it as regain
  11. support you bounder
  12. Silly idea.

    And here's why: nobility sales are how the devs make a living. How would you like it if at your job they paid you in imaginary pixels that get you nothing, could you live on imaginary pixels? No? Well neither can the devs.