Mariners charm

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Lethe, Mar 7, 2017.

  1. What happens end of event if we have leftovers :(?

    Will the almighty cookie monster eat them?
  2. Hello Darth/Slayer/Zach i see you're busting out and ressurecting all the olden day alts now. WarriorEnzo has also cameback into the game play now after the old tsc /LSA Elite days with them !
  3. Dude you literally just tried to derail the thread on the very first reply. Is it really so hard to stay on topic in a thread and post your personal comments on their wall? Given that forums link right to profiles?

    Anyways, last event they rebated nobs for all the excess temp eb items. They haven't specifically said they'll do that again that I've seen, but it seems like a reasonable assumption. I'd send in a support ticket though, unless you can elicit a response here on forums.
  4. Dude thrawn why you only ever write on forums when i have written first ? Me and zach and this account have very old history together.So before you try to leech in to every comment i make.Do flutter away and get your own story going. Seeing this account back brought funny memorys back when he did burkoff account and tried to corze friction in a osw between lsa and a french clan .Trying to pretend burkoff was me !!
  5. Ok, Thrawn is completely right. Walls and PMs are there, use them. Don't derail a thread with the first post, or at all.

    Im guessing they will be refunded, as per usual, but i have yet to see the devs say anything on the matter.
  6. Zorkay you aint the commander and head of the forums panel commitee. Anyone can write anywhere they want and as long as it is not explicit then it is all within bounds.And you never know it can bring other talk up from history . So dont try talk for others.You aint a moderator or V.K knight .
  7. i would just suggest a delete and empty button .If installed by devs. Like delete button for deleting texts on a mobile phone.Then if you dont want to keep looking at them then you can just delete them yourself without all the big fuss.