Mamma-Merc is going down

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Spektrum, Jun 13, 2012.

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  1. Hello, I am currently warring Mamma-Merc. She has now made it personal. I will not sleep or eat till she has been taken out. She thinks she is great but I...I will be the first to destroy her and everything she stands for. She has decided I am a threat to her. Somehow. :roll: . She is apparently scared of me or she wouldn't be doing this. I mean look at my stats. That is nothing. She has awaken a monster that will destroy her.
  2. Well have I now? Wow, good thread.
  3. My mother always told me to never hit a women.
  4. She isn't a women she's a demon
  5. Tommy is right it's rude and illegal to hit a woman
  6. Could you two not kept this between you and not waste our time looking to see if this would be even remotely interesting. Which by the way it is not.
  7. You should hit someone your own size. It carries more value
  8. Me too tommy.

    OP. you are going kids the wrong message.


    You must talk your arguments out.

    Think with your head not fist.
  9. You do realize who she is right?
  10. No. This time i agree. Mamma-Merc has called in countless mercenaries against us, forced Militia to beg for a CF only to take SS and laugh at his exploition. This must stop. There will be a reward of a New Clan and all we can offer if her, -The-Jackal-, Grahhh, TURKISH86, Hermetica, Red-Hot Chilli Pot, Alorxy and many others surrender to us.
  11. My GF is a demon too and i dont hit her. Shes a succubus
  12. Lol. Nice stats youre warring. Do you know pvp mechanics? She cant be attacked with no gold, but can be stolen.

    Youre a bit big to be hitting someone so small, fight someone your own size.
  14. Point being? Look at her stats, and look at op's. Are you even a bit surprised that she asked for help? :|

    Maybe warring my little alt would be better for you Rom.

    Agreed, laughing at his "exploitation" is a bit far, but where is your proof of this.
  15. o_O *starts farming metal*
  16. Not the most, but when she was in her prime she had some. Calm down Militia.
  17. Firstly, caps gets you nowhere.
    Secondly, proof please.
    Thirdly, no, she doesnt have the most mercs in all of KaW. lol.
    Fourthly, how did she start this all? A bit of context would be nice.
  18. Militia, give SS.

    Remember, stats aren't everything. She has brains.
  19. She walled me okay maybe I am Drakian but like u guys don't know that but I've been a good boy and she just walls me and says we're gonna war
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