
Discussion in 'Wars' started by GandalfTheDark, Jul 28, 2012.

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  1. This is a post ti say sorry for not listening to maliboo-boo and all his friends and causing them so much trouble the names are
    kakarok -- for farming him sorry for the trouble
    YAFI_LADY_CANSEM although she called me g a y
    ii_sanTaXz for farming him
    IXI_goku_IXI. For farming his friend
    ____livewire_____ for farming him cause I though he wanted to strip me
    Willwallace. For telling my friends to farm him cause I found his name in my news
    iman90. Don't know y bit my friends probably farmed him so....
    z_nightmareangel_z for farming him after I saw he failed an action on me
    XspawnX because I really don't remember y but srry anyways
    Srry guys I'll try not to cross ur path again and I learned my lesson
  2. Noob. It's a WAR game.
  3. Ty for ur sincerely apologys the cf has started .. goodluck
  4. ive farmed more ppl than that in the last 5 minutes
  5. I hope now u have learned when to stop and when to listen. I promise u next time there wont come a cf and ubwill need to reset .. this forum post has been made for a cf and i accept it
  6. Lol.. 
  7. Lmao well done maliboo haha
    next time you cross his path again i'l finish you off enjoy cf for now
  8. Funny Lol what an appology
  9. Bro what are you doin you gave a speach
  10. Haha Epic!! Dont mess with us! >:)
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