If this has already been suggested I apologize, but the things that need to change about e war in my opinion are: 1: main thing getting more clans involved,a very small percentage of clans cast for war. Increasing the number of clans will provide better matchup chances bc new war clans stand a better chance of getting another new clan vs drawing a veteran clan and getting destroyed. And lets face it everyone should be enjoying e war. 2: Get rid of TVP, no one wants to stay up after a 2 hour war when they have work or school the next day SOLUTION: the solution seems simple really unless I'm missing something. Award players mith based on successful actions wether their on the winning or losing team, but winning team gets more that way there's still incentive to try. This eliminates the need for tvp and can you imagine how many clans would cast if they'd still get a good mith profit as long as they try Lastly this would eliminate teams casting and not trying just to get tvp bc without successful actions you'd get 0. Devs please consider this, it would benefit you bc more clans warring equals more money being spent and lets face it, war should be set up in a way that rewards everyone for trying and encourages every clan to use the games main feature.