Making War Better! 

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -WaterY-, Sep 9, 2012.

  1. Making war better!

    I have been spending alot of time warring lately, hitting other players, Off system wars etc.
    I have also been thinking alot about how everyone complains that Epic Battles have taken over, KaW is lazy and everyone complains about getting farmed.


    I have thought up a couple of ideas that could help improve the players attitude to war and hopefully motivate a few people.

    Point One: Items/Pots
    Everytime we attack someone, we have to re-select our items each hit, I know most people like to use all pots, but for some people I attack, I don't use all 11/9, and I rarely like to use my EB bonus potions.

    When hitting an Epic Battles, our previous actions pots are stored for our next hit, we can use crystals, leave clans, and even attack another player, but once we go back to the Epic Battle, as long as we use the same action (Attack/Assassinate) as our last action on the EB, the pots remain active.

    I believe that something as simple as this, will greatly increase motivation for war, it's just one of those things.

    Point Two: Repeat action
    Now I know some of you may say something along the lines of 'this will never happen' or 'dream on' but I remember seeing alot of people saying the exact same thing about the Repeat Action button on the Epic Battles.

    I know this may be abused, Perhaps it could be used for all methods except scout, as a quick Scout Bomb can be lethal, (would still be awesome)
    Repeat attack and assassinations for quick pins, and quick unloads.
    Repeat steals to strip more efficiently, faster.

    I know that having the ability to unload on another player as quick as being able to unload on an Epic Battle would certainly entice myself and alot of other players to war more often.

    Before any of you complain about being pinned too quickly, grow a pair, use a crystal and pin then back.

    Point Three: Hiring Allies
    A friend suggested this one to me
    Know when you try to strip someone? They have 150-200 small allies and you have to go through all the pages! They wake up before you finish, it takes so long! Let's get a button allowing us to hire all allies from the player, or at least hire as many as possible, from top to bottom, to fill our available ally slots.

    Point Four: Player tracking/clan tracking
    We all know that tracking players is a tough mission, if you have been blocked and don't have a wall link to a player, as many know the only way is to block them and view them on your block list via settings.
    I would suggest just a small section, available for quick access and quick links to players, limit it to only holding 3 or so players so it doesn't get confusing or abused, can hold strip targets while crystalling, or barcode players

    The same method can be applied to clans, but instead of taking you to the clan home page, link it straight to the clans roster.

    Just a few ideas to promote laziness in war and help with quicker action and response.

    Point Five: Alliance chat
    I know this idea is a little far fetched, but it gets rather annoying for me, and I'm sure others.
    I believe that it would be quite useful to have a separate chat that people have to be invited into, it can be for whole clans in alliance fighting together at war, or just the leaders of each clan, with one announcement shared over all clan to post strips or targets.
    I know there are certain 3rd party applications that allow communications like this but I get sick of changing between them all, as well as the dreaded 'resuming connection' page when reloading KaW, I also believe that we should have the ability to send pictures in private message in game, or at least suitable links, that we click instead of copy paste.

    I know that some of these ideas may seem impossible, or ridiculous, and you may not like them, so let me know what you think.


    Please post any criticism or support you may have, and I also wish to hear any other ideas you may have to help improve war, I will update this OP with your ideas and when enough support is gathered, send this thread to the developers for review.


    GPS location of the people you farm so you can farm them In Real Life! 

    Higher crystal limits (player attacks only)

    Change mechanics, make it so HLBC can actually land an attack on people half their size, these mechanics be wack!
  2. Props for having a well thought out thread :)
  3. Sounds good

    May need tweaking
  4. 1. Support

    2. No Support
    Some people out there actually fight back. What is the fun of a fight if they are pinned in 3 seconds, before they even get the new feed updates?

    3. No Support
    God. Why does everyone not want to put in effort?? If you can't hit hire 250 times then you shouldn't be in an osw.

    4. No Support
    Block. Easy. If you can't find them on a block list then you are dumb. Or trick them into giving you a link. That's part of the fun!

    5. No Support
    Some people like ally chat. Don't spoil it for them
  5. Flint

    I doubt you've even been in OSW first off, and second, alliance chat is best found in PM, not in Ally Chat
  6. Sounds like less of an incentive but more of a comfort for regular war participants repeat button, and pots remain selected would attract a few but I think if EB payout was cut say in half it'd be much more of an incentive as a good hit would then be 4x EB plunder.
  7. @Basilisk

    2. Crystals?

    3. Nothing against the effort, it's just annoying to hire so many allies, why not help make things easier?

    4. I did state that, it was just an idea filler, just another thing to help out a little.

    5. I don't see what this has to do with Ally chat.
  8. Undead:

    Been in a few with smaller clans closer to when I started, most recent one I was in was the KotFE vs Sun Alliance until Patriots dropped me in the middle of it. Also revived training in osw from Brood_Warrior of -WiT- while he was still active
  9. I guess they are named the same, just changes its name to family chat or something similar
  10. @Water
    Lol sorry was under the impression you wanted to replace ally chat with alliance chat. So change that to Support now ;)
  11. I feel these some of these ideas make warring "easier" as opposed to "better". If there is a way to bypass the lag problem, alliance chat would be a decent addition.
  12. 1. Support
    2. No way, it's a cowardly suggestion to put in the game. If you hit you should have the balls to know you can be hit back and not instantly be able to pin yourself
    3. No support. It's a strip and you have to get through their blocks. Everything shouldn't be like an easy eb. Take the bottle out of your mouth and learn to use a big boy cup.
    4. No support, learn how to do it on your own. Experience can do wonders
    5. Semi support. Not really needed but a nice convenience
  13. Thanks for your comments Greatness, I do know how to handle myself, and do have experience, I just want to make it easier for myself, I have been participating in B2B OSW lately, they always spur up straight after each other.
  14. Wars aren't meant to be easy
  15. Why don't you ask for an update that has the game war for you. War isn't about being easy, it's about learning how to do it properly
  16. True, I guess what I really to happen is a change to the modern day players attitude to what war is, I have hitteb HLBC players that have responded to me saying that they have never farmed anyone, and never been in a OSW or RW, if wars were on a par with EBs I believe there would be alot more activity involved.

    Plus I don't see how I can get anymore lazy sitting on the couch on my phone 
  17. Well you managed to attempt to get lazier. Anyways an osw is a real war. System wars are not what people consider real wars
  18. All points sound like the beggin of a nOob. Lol unload all at oncehire all allies at oncewhat a reject. But then again look what clan ur in. Kinda explains it all