Making More Gold Per Hit

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by WhiteElder-Dragon, May 11, 2013.

  1. Hello my name is Thomas and I wanted to share with you a trick I picked up while playing another ATA game that will actually help you make more gold for your hits.
    So the trick is to hit 2 times on fight then 4 times on assassinate then regain once then hit 1 time on fight and 2 times on assassinate. And that's how you can make more gold for your hits.
  2. This is just skimming isn't it everyone knows about it.
  3. Hi I'm Benny

    Up up down down left right b a start
  4. Benny :O
  5. Or... You could be completely normal and hit twice and assassinate 3 times then regen. Repeat. Or steal once and assassinate once for Ambush. Op you're so dumb...
  6. Lol true dat^
  7. I actually remember when I thought I was a badass by skimming. Then, I unlocked the 10th land :|
  8. No need to be rude to the OP. These types of attempts to helpful - when they are good faith efforts - should be encouraged.

    I'm going to randomly steal from some jerk on this thread because I feel like it. Who's it gong to be....
  9. Or do something called " skimming "....... Oh wait
  10. Leslie is right... I'm ashamed 
  11. @leslieland, me ! me ! pick me !!!!
  12. You're right LeslieLand.
    Op. I am deeply in love with you.
    Was that nice enough?
  13. Leslie can't hit me though !
  14. By the way props to you OP for fighting hard in EE wars.
  15. @leslie

    1. Don't tell me what to do
    2. Have fun sleeping, hope you're not to fond of your allies.
  16. WOW a ee war 
  17. @ Dawg - I have lots of smaller alts 

    But, I'm glad that peeps see the light of day. It's all kool. 
  18. Let me show you about osw 
  19. @ Benny - I'm not fond of any of my allies. Looks like you can use a couple so feel free to buy any of them from me at any time. While some may not think so, the allies I own are not overpriced and they're all active, even players that are clanless with no wall activity. Happy shopping. 