Making KaW Better Contest [ 1.5t In Rewards ]

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -CyBeR_EcLiPTiC_MaCHiNE-, Mar 2, 2015.

  1. We Have An Issue...

    Several times it's been said that this game needs a revamp. The crappy tutorial was a big issue. Also, the terrible advertising on the App Store.

    I mean, I know it's supposed to be 9+ but I never would have downloaded it if it had those pictures. I'm sorry KaW, but that's the truth.

    The Problem

    It seems we all want it DONE, but we expect the developers to do it. Ok, be honest for a second. They've done some things right but how often are you TRULY happy with the developers actions?

    That's what I thought.

    We want something but we want it our way. I mean, look at the benefits!

    For starters, a more attractive app could catch some viewers' eyes and then they could download it. That's potential for the KaW economy with new players coming in AND it's potential paying customers devs ;)

    The hell with potential. Getting the download is 90% of the work. It's the tutorial that turns so many away. The devs realized this and tried a little bit but no new player wants to go through Forums and read this long ass thread, to try and grab the concept of the game.

    Nononononono!! We need a better tutorial than that! Perhaps an interactive one or such? There's an entire community here. SOMEONE must have the million dollar idea.

    The Solution

    Since it seems the devs are more concerned over promos and events, why don't we, AS A COMMUNITY, take it into our own hands?

    Yes, that's right. This thread is for the submittal of resolutions for these issues!

    For example: If you feel like advertising KaW would be easy for you, you could

    -Draw a picture
    -Design a computer image
    -Make a short video clip of KaW that captures an audience

    Anything that could capture a potential player!


    You could do another route: the tutorial. You would have to submit a FULLY detailed, step-by-step tutorial that you think would make the most sense and be the most constructive for a new player. Remember, you have to teach
    -The basics of the game
    -Touch on builds, pots, etc
    -Game buttons, functions (Forums, CC, WC, etc)
    -All aspects of the game (EB, EE, PVP)

    And whatever else you feel necessary to include!

    A panel of judges will be selected to choose the top 3 of the following

    -Ad Image

    After that, there will be a thread dedicated to simply voting for your favorite

    The Rewards

    Now I know everyone needs incentive. However, this is (as of right now) completely and totally player run.

    So, simply, I'll be hiring disgusting, crappy allies that you can't get rid of :lol:

    The following applies to EACH category (tutorial, image, video)

    FIRST place: 300 bil
    SECOND place: 150 bil
    THIRD place: 50bil

    For a total of 1.5t out of my pocket (If I hire a bomb I swear :lol: )

    These rewards could increase depending on if anyone, player or dev, adds to this idea. So far though, it's solo :geek:

    The winners of each will have their idea sent to support with the community behind it and hopefully the devs will then implement changes.

    A Few Rules

    -You can submit up to TWO of every category
    -For VIDEOS, a link will be necessary but make SURE it's to the KAW RELATED video. Otherwise, all of your submissions will be deemed invalid and you will be reported.
    -Do NOT spam me with submissions or you shall be blocked
    -Submissions will be accepted until Sunday, March 22 and submitted to the devs by (hopefully) April 1
    -Please keep all submission RELEVANT and abide by ToU

    Let's do this :p
  2. #Eclipso4VK
  3. Support!
  4. I will farm you both
  5. Yay...potential free labor to benefit the devs thanks and no support
  6. To help the community though, bruh. That's gotta count for somethin.

    Support to you but I'm too lazy to do that kind of work.

  7. Yeah! Somebody else do it....
  8. 1.5 t for strips.
  9. Nothing? :lol: Ouch
  10. This thread needs more attention! Come on trolls and haters, I know you're out there!

    But seriously, great idea OP.
  11. Spring break is coming up, might photoshop something for the picture advertisement.

    Free of charge too =P
  12. Basically, I'm lazy as hell so this sounds like too much work. But great ideas op, and it hope this takes off. You've nailed the two worst aspects of attracting and retaining people.

    Just hope you aren't too late. All the promos lately and lack of adherence to their own road map sort of indicates Devs have mailed it in and are just milking every penny they can while they work on their next venture.

    Promo anybody? I'm sure we only have another week or two to wait.
  13. Nice :)
  14. I think the devs have done a good job at making it easy for new players to progress. The stat cap is now astronomically huge, which gives 90% of kaw incentive to be active. Thenone thing i see lacking is support for all types of players. Eb players get rewarded, ee players get rewarded, but osw players do not. I know that is abhuge thing to be able to script for and i dontnknow how they can do it, but it would bennice to see some type of implimentation. Pvp (real pvp) has been a request by thousands over the last few years as a place kaw needs to focus on improving. If we had a way to do this, that would be awesome. It doesnt even have to be a lot. Maybe like a 20% plunder increase, or scroll drops for equipment, something like the eb chests but for pvp... I dont knowzzx
  15. Reminds me of the old days when devs used to have drawing contests and the game was better support
  16. Right as someone joins a message could pop up in wc such as in the pvp events when someone casted a plea, this could get a volley and some interesting invites.
  17. Where are all the trolls?

    Support though!
  18. I think you should just give me the 1.5T and we have a deal.
  19. Hmmm ill take 1.5t as well :D