make this war business easier

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Swabia2, Jul 31, 2014.

  1. This whole repeat action button thing which is a staple of every day play has made the drudgery of the text based screen tap game more bearable.

    It's sadly only for EB.

    If ATA is coding release after release of this game to make war (or pvp) more of a draw shouldn't it also be streamlined to have a repeat button and a clan link for OSW in CA?

    This is only the 34th thread requesting that farming be made easier.

    Repeat button to farm.
    Link to target in CA should be link.

    Also, the new safety system on attacks and steals which are % based only is crap. 1000's of actions to strip under 10b is ridiculous. A minimum $$ value burned per action based on buildings should be reintroduced.

    It used to be PVP could strip an opponent clean in a few days with some diligence. Now that's not an option without using a whole clan. Not every clan wants to quit their war or eb or something to do a 50 on 1. Reintroducing the minimum value burned per building on the opponent would bring back much more pvp fun.
  2. Truuuuuuuue dat.
  3. No support. No need for repeat action button
  4. right on bro! support!!!!
  5. No if I had a repeat action button I could xtal 6 times on you before you made a sandwich no it isn't that hard to attack someone fast the way it is
  6. Why are we not funding this?
  7. If it's not complicated as is then why did we successfully petition ATA for eb repeat button?

    Same damn sequence.
  8. Support
  9. Support!!! Reroute all government spending to this program and then get rid of Obama and idiots in congress
  10. I like all ideas posted. Support.
  11. Do you realize how hard it would be to return fire or self pin if there was a repeat action for PvP? Before you even get a chance to react, the enemy could be half way through your bar.
  12. No support on the PvP repeat button. Zeroing would be too easy. But I love the CA link idea. Would be extremely helpful.
  13. Maybe so if you use an item to attack someone it auto selects again, this would help out during strips. I my self would be able to keep up during strips and not miss selecting an item during a rapid fire strip.
  14. Aza the rush is the best part of a strip. Where you run to steal as much as you can.
  15. I'm not sure why you are VK, Swabia. I've never seen anything remotely helpful towards the community come out of you
  16. @King

    It becomes a pain in the ass when you need to select pots every time, if I steal I'd like it for the next time it thinks I wanna use the same items until I attack.
  17. The only plus that they can do is to make you not have to reselect the pots.

    A PvP repeat action button is ridiculous and stupid.
  18. If there were Gold purchased War xtals and you could use 6 per one hour war that would be fun, as Tanking is predominate now. Unloading/Tanking strategies would be numerous.
  19. No support for repeat button.

    Complete support for suggested strip mechanics!