Make me a mod

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Seth, Dec 2, 2015.

  1. I think devs should make me a modernmator because I'm good at this game

    I'll give all the children ice cream for free

    I'll ban school from the game

    I'll unlock Eagles locks because he locks threads due to being lack of effort when effort isn't a significant factor in the current situation

    inb4 lick
  2. Devouring supports this message
  3. Step away from the oompa loompa. DO NOT accept any more candy.

    IN B4 LOCK
  5. Can I take the candy then leave karma? I won't get in the van...
  6. Devouring4Senator
  7. Meanwhile in Eagles fortress of solitude...

  8. If I get mod I'll make ashes developer

    Boob gifs for all
  9. Deal. I want an Ashes signed boob gif banner

  10. When i am mod i am going to build a wall around you

  11. I would
    Like to nominate her..
  12. I dare u m8 u guna git shwrekt
  13. This
  14. Straight outta LLBC:
    Coming to theaters Setembuary 2016

    A tale of a young man child (just a child actually) in his journey in becoming the kingdoms first self made mod. Featuring the prodigal dinosaur, and wolf boy and veggie boy as his rivals. May the best pleb win.

    This film is not yet rated.

  15. Ill send you back to farmville nooblet
  16. #FrogForMods
  17.  beware the eagle is around
  18. Don't let chubby see bouncing breasts, or he will start crying to the devs.

  19. Frogs are green 
  20. PRIME just outgifed meh..

    I would add something to top it off (hehehe.. "Top it off") but I got distracted..