make kaw better

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by _-MENTAL-_, Apr 4, 2016.

  1. I believe others will agree with me that kaw would be better if there was a trading post. Placing a trading post where we can trade things such as unwanted equipment, inferno, aqua or even crystals and gold and even seals for hte. We should be able to buy, sell, trade or auction such items off if we choose to. In my opinion this would benefit players on all levels, and make the game a better experience.
  2. How many times does this have to be said, THIS WILL BE EXPLOITED
  3. Dont bother proposing ideas, devs are busy making events
  4. I can't count how many times I've seen this suggested over the 4 years I've been playing.

    People would find ways to exploit this and would likely lead to people creating Alts to give their main extra gold, items, xtals etc etc etc.

    Wouldn't work.
  5. Same idea, another day lmfao.
  6. There have been far too many idea threads lately but the devs dont pay attention to them.

    Nor have they paid attention to my MORE NEW LANDS idea and plan change KaW into an fps.

    not good
  7. Kasama I thought that turning KaW into a MOBA would have been the way forward personally.
  8. Gentlemen, I firmly believe that ATA should transform KaW into a dating sim.
  9. Already been proposed and already been agreed that most of kaw would not agree...
  10. So what's stopping me creating alts, having them farm eb or something, then all inferno they get trade with my for crappy equipment my main has. If there's a will there's a way to abuse, and trading comes with a lot of game breaking abuse.

    I'm gonna go all smash on your ass and give you a piece of mind from smash
  11. no....
  12. Make this game better by making it a war game. I make 3x's in gold off farming then any eb. You do the math
  13. Including eb payout? And items (depending)? Interesting, guess it's cuz of new lands ppl have more money out
  14. He doesn't make more farming and how much peeps have out doesn't make a difference.
  15. Lol
  16. Why are people disagreeing? Despite the numerous times its been brought up it would be helpful. If the devs went about it the right way. We have enough lands.
  17. Oh well it was just a thought, not sure how people would exploit an auction type trading post, but I'm sure they would find a way. Then again it could be as worthless as the new clan roles lol

  18. What's so bad about helping your other accounts?