It has been asked Many times before too. Devs now with new lands everyone making too much damage to escape. It's not worth it's price tag anymore. You should have changed with abyss lands. But atleast do it now. Stop being too greedy.
With each land set there is a new eb series. How come hte which was meant to be for hl has not changed??? It take increasing bars in eb or restricting damage Devs need to do something
BC players make 360b a single unload on HtE. I don't think it should be made longer. Either way only time it finishes in 5 mins is during trains. And that's kind of the speed you want
If in near future new eb comes the plunder from eb is more than other eb. If this eb pays near hte so wy we buy a seal for 5,99$ ? Hte must be changed, if not, nobody buys seal devs...... think about that Full support
There is a longer HTE. It's called ZTA. Ask ATA-GRUNT to make that permanent. Even with sharing a ZTA you would make more than a HTE