Mad Gab

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by renamed810, Sep 1, 2016.

  1. Now this is a forum game that will require... a substantial amount of a brain power. You have to be able to pronounce words in English correctly!

    Now the game!!

    I'll start with an example:

    "Hit Spin Could Form He"

    If you say it fast it sounds like

    "It's Been Good For Me"

    So that's the game pretty much. You must use real words only though, for the first and second part. You try to guess the last one somebody said then make your own. I will post the ones people make up here, then then the name of the person who answers it.

    To Be Solved:
    Lee Hone Art Oh Dee Vin Chi

    I honestly don't expect much for this game. It's pretty hard. Best of luck and have fun if you can :?: Yah.
  2. Harambe isn't dead cos I heard him on the radio
  3. @blaze - stop spamming this across the forums or I'll have to take action.
  4. I'm SO insulted! This is venturing closely into making fun of oriental accents and names!!!

    Sum Ting Wong?

    Hu Yu Hai Ding?

    Ti Ne Po Nee?
  5. Oops.. Hai Moody.. Please feel free to delete my posts too if they are offensive.. I am only joking!

    Ps: I am not hiding any tiny ponies
  6. Spamming? The occasional post, get a grip noob. No rules broken here.
  7. Has to be made with real words :lol:
  8.  whatevs - I'm clearly making it up for teh lulz ️
  9. This is what KaW has come too, more nooby mods.
  10. Ok I'll play..

    Allez Norfolk sail butt Iran do ring oh ass duba
  11. Leonardo davinci
  12. Yes No Fork sale but iron does ring as double
  13. This is comolicated, explain more. ATA LOGO married Harambe..
