Did anyone manage to figure this one out? I'm a hansel with T1 guilds; I upgraded one to a lvl 1 stronghold and my plunder dropped like mad. Wondering if upgrading to a lvl 2 or 3 would bring it back up. My main account (attack build) also lost plunder each time upgrading a lv4 guild -> lv1 SOS -> lv2 SOS
In case anyone is wondering, I found the answer here: http://forum.kingdomsatwar.com/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=29871
To the person that said your plunder dropped when converting, it's because your strength compared to the defenders went up. This can be fixed by buying more allies I believe
never keep your stronghold at lvl 1 try to upgrade it to lvl 3 as soon as possible , or kills your plunder ,and also never build more than 6 strongholds or your plunder will go down by more than 1.5 million per hit as soon as you get 6 sos,you will need to save up 644 billion and replace your guilds with 2/3 rds of as many lvl 3 sos as possible
Not true vesperious, I have more than 6 and my plunder just keeps going up. A lvl1 SOS does decrease your plunder, I agree, so only build one if you can get it to lvl2.
Agree with Acid, Never keep your SoS at L1, upgrade all to L2, if possible to L3 is best. At L2, your max Ally Bonus is about 25m with 150b of allies. At L3, your max Ally Bonus is about 28-35b depending on cost and stats of allies. Try attacking pure OAFs, don't attack fellow OSFs in PWars. They ally bonus is You can get gold from stealing from pure OAFs.
don't posting on old ass dusty threads idiots. although im doing so pointing this out. the dmg now has already been done.