lvl 5 defense stats on rime fortress worse than elven temple

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Mudvet, May 11, 2014.

  1. From wulfs post, I noticed that the defense stats on the defensive building are worse than the balanced building.

    Please tell me I didnt pay 400b a pop for defensive buildings only to see the devs take away the defensive stats on the top level ....
  2. That's a good eye. If the stats on wulfs page are correct(and I assume they are) this is ridiculas.
    Devs have messed up here big time. As someone with 9 rimes lvl 3 or above I'm pretty gutted about hearing this
  3. Stats from Wulf for the rime fortress are wrong, have a look at my build calculator in the strategy section.
  4. Check the stats on the buildings themselves on your lands you bloody idiots.
    Use your brain.
  5. Wulf screwed up! Must be gettin old
  6. Check in lands to see stats. We'll done, bravo! Seeing as though I have NO Elvin temples to compare them to makes your point a little....idiodic
  7. Wulf made a mistake. This is rare. The def stats are in line with the rest of buildings.
  8. All my highlands are elven temples :lol
  9. Outlaw. You can see the level 1 stats regardless of if you have one or not
  10. I thought that you could only see the lvl1 stats if you had a free land? And anyway.. He's talking about lvl5, not 1
  11. Exactly Rio. The whole point is the comparison in lvl 5 stats. Not lvl 1.
  12. AVMMF, read the post and you ll see that you are the idiot, if you have read it and still think you rant is valid, then u re a huge idiot...
  13. Wulf is fixing his thread. Give him time...
  14. Eleven Temple level 5 - 601,416 / 601,416
    Rime Fortress level 5 - 501,776 / 651,970