What are the Lowland wars about exactly? I've never taken part in one because I don't really wanna leave my clan but I've been curious as to what they are and the kinds of rewards you can receive
It is a system war. System Wars are wars that the computer system of the game pair two clans with similar power against each other. Durning that time you engage in PvP vs the opposing clan. Lowland Wars are called that because the only stats that matter in these wars is that first set of lands. Individual vs Clan Wars. an individual war is where you leave your clan, then you get put into a clan with a bunch of strangers and find out how to fight and who is leading. Clan wars means your clan signs up for war to fight. Clans that do this already have a strategy in place. if a War says Kingdom and Allies, then the stats of your Allie’s go towards it. - When I last played these wars were very popular. I have not played in the past 5 years?? So I haven’t seen what the current scene is and I have 0 advice in helping you to fix your build in the best means possible.
From what I have seen is the issue with System wars is that Mithril Equipment is outdated and seriously needs a new set. Ideally Mithril Equipment SHOULD be better than equipment you get from events and epic battles, but at this time isn’t? So one of the biggest draws to fighting in wars, the equipment and rewards, just isn’t there. Still, it is a super fun aspect of a game and I suggest reaching out to players in wars and asking them about advice on how to start!