lowest equipment eb

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by LeviathanLSA, Jul 5, 2012.

  1. Whats the lowest Eb that drops equipment? My clan is kinda small and I'm wondering which is the lowest equipment eb
  2. I believe the Reckoning
  3. Reckoning and Origins are the lowest, if your clan is small I wouldn't do those until it's a lot bigger. Those epics take forever and are quite difficult for a small clan unless help is called in.
  4. The reckoning and it drops hooves.
  5. Reckoning then Origins then No Mans Land then Destroyer then No Quarter then City of the Dead then Figure of Death and then the rest up drop equipment. Read wulf's forums on the strategy bit
  6. Fiddler he/she is from alpha
  7. My home clan is Hammer Time Elite hun, I'm out visiting friends.
  8. Fiddler is a she I believe
  9. Any1 impressed with my equiptment collection  I know I'm not either
  10. My equipment is well earned. Everyone of them including Reckoning took at least 7 tries