
Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by ArchJay, Oct 26, 2015.

  1. Hey guys! It's been quite a while since I've played this. Perhaps a year or two? But I just re downloaded this app to see who still plays, and I'm so very lost on the updates that've happened. Last thing I remember, people were farming the Haunting all day every day if that gives you a time reference. Any help at all is appreciated, and happy KaWing!
  2. Now it's haunting the escape all day everyday.
  3. Damn u have missed a lot- reserved (going to edit but may lose wifi)

    Deva introduced an eb called haunting the escape aka HTE it has about 2.5X plunder of haunting but you can only fight this eb by paying 59 nobs for a seal of the damned. They also introduced a triple pay warbeasts called revenge of the warbeast (ROWB) and you use a 29 nobility item called a horn of the damned or something.

    you can also get these two items at random chance drop from some ebs although chances are low.

    Devs also started doing events, at first they were festive i think the first one was 1 maybe 2 years ago and it was a spooky themed one that u collected fangs and got a crossbow if u got enough.

    From feedback, events improved, prizes improved and now theres loads of equipment drops but they can be weak or strong depending on how well u do in the events.

    During these events there are also pvp blitz weekends.

    These last friday to sunday and you cast this free spell from the alchemist and it updates ur battle list to other pvp blitz contestants and also gives you an orange name colour.

    During the blitz you hit people to get drops. These drops can be stolen but if u get enough drops they get put into a permnant item which cannot be stolen. The number of these items collected determines your prize.

    There is also a random chance that this magical spell will drop from hitting someone that gives u double pvp pay, double drops and random chance to create mithril from succesful attacks. This spell can also be stolen.

    However, if you want you can cast a 59 nobs spell that gives all your clan mates a pvp double plunder double drop chance that also protecte your clan mates from getting their previously discussed spell from being stolen for an hour.

    This pvp bltz they have added a new feature. This feature is the cursed mask. They kind of work like the mith creating double pay double drop spell except they dont make mith and anyone hit by someone with one instantly gets it.

    Originally pvp events were seperate to eb events and you could hit anyone without casting any spells to get drops.

    However due to the intensity of the event they decided to make it a "cast to enter" sort of event.

    This ended up just joining together with eb events so that nobody is left out kinda thing.

    Lots of stuff has happened with EE but im no expert in that area so im sure someone else can explain that.

    Resets have been disabled since nobody was using them in a positive manner.

    And yes the zaft vs apoc war is still going on.

    That's as much as I can think of at the moment.
  4. I know I've missed a lot, but I was just curious as to how everything's been going. Been playing this game too damn long lol..
  5. That helps a ton, Spidah, thank you. Weird they disabled resets, and that the ZAFT war is still going on..
  6. Zaft war ended hell of a long time ago and you can reset, yours are just disabled and you have to email ata
  7. Please don't provide false information to op.

    Resets are disabled for everyone.
    Zaft war against apoc is still happening.
  8. I remember you :D welcome! though so many have stopped playing. not much else to do lately other than events..
  9. ...arch?
  10. Wait we can't reset on our own now? What?
  11. My bad... Last time I tried to reset it said I needed to email ata. and Zaft disbanded right? I figured that meant it was over
  12. Yeah there's a thread in announcements i think, they said some crap about how resets were only being used to disadvantage other players so they just removed the reset feature altogether.
  13. Wow I vaguely remember ops name
  14. Welcome back, X-D here... If you remember me. ZAFT lost a few clans and Laoda quit, Teja got stripped 1.4 QUADRILLION!!!
  15. Woah Arch is alive
  16. I believe we were still relatively active when resets stopped working. You had to e-mail support to unlock the ability to reset your account, and the excuse given at the time was that the account was automatically flagged for possibly being a bot. It happened to near everyone who wanted to casually reset, but there was no official announcement, just the message spread by the then-player moderators. I'm sure this is what the players are referencing, just how stories change. Both are plausible and both can be true. The announcement is the only new bit for me.