LoS-achild17 gone to far in trash talk

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Twicc, Apr 17, 2014.

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  1. Hi all

    I haven't been on forum much this year. Mostly cos forum is not what it used to be!

    Now I do something to teach everyone a lesson that will hurt more than normal

    LoS-achild17 on my wall using children in trash talk.

    To me it's way forbidden even ATA might don't agree to those things. They say block the player!

    Yes I can but then he won't learn anything

    I truly hate all kind of trash talk involved with children even it's vs enemies like me this time!

    I take a stand against this really really bad trash talk and I can gladly hunt anyone with the idiot mind using children involved in any trash talk.

    So I apply to all who hates this kind of ways help teach the players how kaw truly are!

    It's WE players who form KAW!

    Kaw is a wonderful place were some things should not be allowed at all.

    Yes New Age are in osw vs LoS family, but this is outside the osw and are not involved rest of LoS only the idiot player LoS-achild17

    So my hope You KAW players make a stand against this so it won't happens again

    I want all check my wall decide for your self, but I don't want my teenager stepson and one day my son to see this crap

    Pinn/ steal LoS-achild17 out of kaw if u agree with me if u don't agree do nothing.

    I will not read or answer any posts in this thread if u want trash talk or do whatever in this thread it's up to you. Troll are only good for bumping threads!

    Everyone knows were to find me

    New Age
  2. It really wasn't that bad lmao. He just asked if you had kidsZ
  4. Ok so u get the trash talk he applying I like Boys, I am 39 years old so it's discussing to even read that!
  5. He IS implying you like boys......it's SUPPOSED to offend you, it's what insults are SUPPOSED to do....Lmao. If it's not true it shouldn't really bother you this much. ;)
  6. Hey look, it's Twicc the guy who said he was quitting for good and then came back like not even a week later
  7. Just niticed his name "A child" haha That makes this weird :/
  8. Exactly. If your not gay then it wouldn't bother you. He's saying he's wondering how you have children if your gay. Idk what your referring to, but that insult has been used so many times, I've never deemed it as highly offensive
  9. Before this gets derailed I would say twicc is correct here
  10. He made a gay joke?!?
  11. Ummm what? He asked, surprisingly if u had kids, not say anything about them. You sound like my ex :roll: making a fuss out of nothing. No support.
  12. CHILD is actually a common last name.

    I think he must have pushed a sensitive button with you to cause such a ridiculous reaction.
  13. Seems to me he can't keep his targets pinned and needs outside help...
  14. No support

    People could say things that are ALOT worse
  15. Yes I am way over upset in this matter, to push my kid and apply I like boys in same sentence I can tell he found I go beyond any normal way to deal with this kind of trash talk

    I don't care if people applying I am gay or idiot! But applying in same sentence my kid and I like boys... Yes I get furious!

    So if u don't get why I get furious u are not a dad or a mom!

    To me it's the biggest offending applying I like boys to me it's applying I mn pedofile

    What kind of person would I be if I don't get offended by it?

    I HATE people who a using children in any form even in sentence!!!

    So u will have me sooner or later in your news for sure

    Then if this guy wanted offend me I am gay, he need to write better!
    I don't care if he thinks I am gay, my friends are gay and I don't care they like same gender.

    But use my child and boys that's not applying I am gay it's applying I am the worst way anyone can offend any human.
  16. I'll be honest op by your last post it doesn't sound like English is your first language. What he said was quite immature but it most certainly wasn't an outrageous comment.
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