Just beginning the game? Need a few extra mil? You need to get hired. Here are your options: 1) Post in WC -You're more likely to be hired if you post your bonus TO allies stats and your price. These can be found by clicking home>profile>scroll down -Note: Saying please will help, be nice and others will return the favour. 2) Find a clan that will help you grow. -If you become a permanent member of most clans, you're bound to get a few hires (depending on your price). -Do not join a clan for the soul purpose of getting hired.. That's just not cool.. 3) Wall post random people who seem like they might have extra cash. -Make friends, be nice, and don't push your luck. Notes: -Don't ask to be hired if you're over a couple billion, most people do not want to volley that high. -DO NOT SPAM WORLD CHAT -people will hate you -Look in the forums for more tips on increasing your skill. -This post is just to be helpful and clean up the game a bit. Don't hate.
Dont post in wc. You'll get hated immediately. Posting on walls is a big no no. Join a clan, sub clans are better, and then you'll get volleyed.
#2 is good. The other two suggestions are horrible. Do we need more "hire me"'s in WC? Also, people do not like being walled by random people asking for hires. It's only annoying.
How about this? Start Talking in world chat, like, when I reset I noticed Carn on WC and started talking, then I got volleyed to 3 bil, if your just on WC people notice you and check you out. Don't beg though, just talk..
Would u rather see: hire me Or 50m 1500-1500-150-150 Please hire. People will not stop posting less in WC just because you tell them not to. At least this way, it's a step up...