Looking for T6 Build Calculator

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ZERO, Aug 3, 2013.

  1. Please post link of anyone has seen a new
    Build Calculator that includes T6 building.
  2. May be quite hard with only level 1 out
  3. OMG
  4. People have and only included level 1 when T5 came out and added other levels later. Thanks
  5. I added a link to my modified version of Stoneford's T5 calculator at the end of his stickied thread in the strategy section.

    PS: I do use a version with projected stats and costs for the lvl2 and lvl3 T6 buildings (there seems to be a pretty consistent 15% increase of stats between T5 and T6). I didn't post that inofficial version though ;)
  6. /please lock