Looking for some Guild Hansel tips

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by _TheArTFuLDoDGa_, Nov 5, 2013.

  1. Hi guys

    Sorry for my Noobterruption of your K@Wreers,
    But I have some questions I hope you guys can answer.

    My Plan: Build a guild hansel for ee wars, followed by OSW's.
    Current Build: 1 x Lvl 3 CoE, rest Lvl 4 guilds, Lvl 2 Castle.

    What I would like to ask is:
    What minimum stats do I need to be around to start some ee wars?
    What minimum armour should I be looking at getting?
    I plan to have atleast 250 of each pot before I look to war.

    Any help you can offer would be appreciated.

    Lok'tar Ogar! For The Horde!
  2. Dat last line hehe

    WC3 FtW
  3. Stats don't really matter as long as your above 550k spy attack 550k spy defence your good.

    As for equip..
    Your gonna need around 200m overall BFE before it starts to make a difference. Just find a war clan. Then spend some of your mith on that sexy Red Paladin Equip 
  4. GH have good BFE bonuses... Which means LOTS of allies. If I was a GH I would use a defensive building instead of COE because normal attacks don't really matter (Unless Huge BFE)... And it add a little boost to def. You would just skim attacks to lower troops
  5. Lol bfe is bonus from equipment BFA is what if talking about 
  6. Don't listen to Winternova he doesn't know what he's talking about. Follow me back.
  7. Final build should be:
    49 guilds
    1 level 3 castle
    1 rime elf building (levels 1-3)

    Best GH build if not working on EE full time, IMO. Then work on BFA (ally bonus) and then get equipment from EE.
  8. I would start by earning gold while upgrading in doing Eb's that give equip. I started with only eb equipment and I am slowely converting over. I'd say without eb equip I would be lost