Discussion in 'Wars' started by *lXlBlLl0l0lDlHlOlUlNlDlXl (01), Aug 15, 2013.

  1. Hi I am looking for a osw that I can join I am trying out so tracking techniques and need some where to practice please follow me if you will allow me to join your clan
  2. Ask this in wc, you'll get better results from people looking for trackers there.
  3. Dude are you eating crack rocks directly?
  4. Starting early. Nice dude good luck!
  5. I don't have any speakers yet, I just made this account and all I want to do is track. Sound's like a fun job and I thank I would be good at it, so here I am giving it my all to find a war to get some experience.
  6. i have been working on techniques and doing a lot of reading been thanking all day at work planning strategy's for tracking I just need more time in the field doing it to prefect it all i am asking is to be given a chance to try look I even got a good name for it hehe
  7. No person in their right mind who respects there clan will let a statless alt join their osw. You say tracking, do you mean ee war...
  8. Have you tried any of the zaft clans? They might have a position open for someone with your skill set. That is, if you're not overqualified...
  9. If you want to prove yourself as a tracker.. Lock this thread then track the mod that locked it and make a new thread announcing their time zone.. Or even better track a group and post your tracking here..

    I mean, what do you care you are a statless alt anyway
  10. way are you so negative towards me I am talking war in general I don't see how my stats matter I Said I was looking to track there's more to tracking then just keeping up with ko times there's a lot more and with stats I can be hit I do not have time for that if I am going to track that's all I am going to do. plus if I can be hit my team well lose plunder who wants a tracker that's not on top of there job and if your hitting your not on top of it and if you are not hitting with good stats then your just giving out free plunder
  11. I see what he means now lay off the hate and accept him. Sorry btw. He would be a good tracker with enough knowledge.
  12. np I understand the criticism this isn't something I just jumped into I thought about all aspects of it. I have spreadsheets made up along with timers and all sorts of different tools to use and test.it just sucks that ee's are only on the weekends
  13. Much support to op trying this out! Il see what I can do to help c:
  14. Your not looking for an OSW OP. Plunder/KO times have no place in an OSW. Your looking for an EE war clan.
  15. @ OP, no clan will let you track for OSW, OSW are usually limited to long time trusted clan members. Osw clans will not risk to let a potential mole get in and leak out cc/ca info. In the other hand, you might have more success if you re-title your thread "Looking for EE war clan".
  16. Tracking in an OSW takes a few days, weeks, or even months and several people to get it fine tuned. Thats just for 1 OSW.

    I think you're looking to be in an EE clan.

    OSW= Off System War, just in case you were unaware.
  17. Wishing you all the best in finding a clan nice to see someone looking to learn tracking even at your size stats good luck and happy kaw . Best Wishes teddy krueger
  18. Awesome bro! Everyone loves OSW except for eb noobs :roll: