Looking for.... A lot

Discussion in 'Wars' started by WhiteKnight4Her, Dec 24, 2012.

  1. Alright second attempt. I have been in a lot of clans hunting items and helping people finish ebs. I have grown with White-Knights-kingdom and still consider all of them my friends. I have visited regs and went to war with MARE. Much respect for both. I now reside with the 7 Deadly Sins family and I am glad too be here. I an looking for a 1v1 and war I can't stand hitting another eb so here I am asking if there really is anyone that will 1v1 without crying to your clan our alliances. I know its the holidays and everyone is busy so follow me and we can start after.
  2. 1st and nice to see you again :)
  3. Nice to see you too I had a better thread ready but I'm heading to the fams so don't have time to try again lol
  4. Lol... wanna play white?...
  5. I could take you troy.... Actually on second thoughts go play with white...
  6. lol knight be careful what you wish for
  7. Ya I will play Troy lol
  8. pick someone from the BL, and farm them silly ! **** 'em if they get their undies in a wad.
  9. Whatsup white!
  10. How's it going tnt
  11. Who is this ._.