Long time, Looking for a Home!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by LegionRenamed, Apr 12, 2015.

  1. Hey y'all!
    Been a while since I last logged in. So much has changed. I barely recognize KaW with the 80m CS builds and fancy banners! :eek:

    If some of you remember me, I used to forum a bit, back in 2012-2013.

    I'd like to get back to playing KaW for good, and I'm looking for a decent family clan. PvP based clans sound great, as I used to OSW a lot.

    Any help is appreciated. Thank you. Legion out. :geek:
  2. I remember you, didn't you make a war recruitment thread where people would post their stats and stuff and people could pick them up for war?
  3. Why yes, Rohit. Back in season one of the Estoc Wars if I remember right. :)
  4. Mm, I somewhat remember seeing you around back in 12.
  5. You've probably seen me around.

    Tip: forget about ever build completing, unless you're willing to splash big dollar. Just play for fun.
  6. This thread wont last till eagle see's this.
  7. Ok battlefield, you are actually spamming several threads on forums with #Eagled, this is a friendly warning.

  8. Hey look another legion!
  9. #EpisodeVTheEagleStrikesBack
  10. There's still many clans recruiting, tho the big group osw clans are currently in locked down due to them taking ZAFT and giving them a rather large enema, so perhaps float about till that hot mess clears up.
  11. This was the funniest thing I've read all day :lol:
  12. I remember seein u in forums..:)
  13. Look at eagle getting all defensive just cause he knows its true that all eagle does, is lock forum posts.

    Surprised actually how it hasn't been locked her. Only has 2 codes in it from what I can tell. And they are just bolded letters.
    Inferno is probably gonna lock this one. Or daphnia... Let us wait
  14. Guys please stop posting on everything saying you are waiting for it to get locked by a mod. It was funny at first and still is but now its simply becoming a overused thing. @op this is a trick question. You are home, KaW is your home. Good luck on finding a good osw clan, theirs lots of ones out there but most are in osw and closed.
    P.S. #Silencespammers
  15. Now whose side are you on?
  16. He'll come back to lock it. Will prob not post though lol just lock

  17. Most likely, fin. Haha
  18. You're welcome.
  19. 
    Watch out hes getting his talons out
  20. We must stand together. Against the onslaught of the not so mighty, but muting eagle!