Haven't seen sign ups in a while, have we Fan Fiction. Or maybe O just haven't noticed any... This is for the rewrite. I'll need personality traits, physical characteristics, hobbies, ages, place of origin (highlands, lowlands, mountains, desert, etc.) Format - Name: Age: Personality: Physical Characteristics: Hobbies: Place of Origin: ~~~~~~~~~~~ So far I've established story arcs for the following people: The one and only Tigris108. (Remember those numbers - 108) The deceptive and shrewd Storallelite. Eagleking, though that arc is a little shaky. Paradox (Not sure if I'll even incorporate this one) Dbo FallenAngel (forgot the rest of your username, sorry. I know it's like three nunbers tho) Irin (special plans for this one) Ironhulk, the informant. Winters Bellemorte RedStar, or Chongo, whoever is there when I get to that part. BlackBird
I don't really know how to include you. I mean, some of the characters I could substitute for you, but it wouldn't be the same because of the personality differences.
Name:Infernius(what I wanted my username to be) Age:19 Personality: easy going but extremely competive which can cause arrogance and problems. Physical characteristics: a small build and moderately strong main strength is agility Hobbies: messing around and competitions be it sword fighting or sports or whatever else comes up. Origins: born and raised in the highlands
So if you're not sure if you're going to use me; Do I have to put effort into making a sign up? Or can I just be le lazy? :3
Deceptive and shrewd huh... Man...I can't wait for you to write this!(I've never had myself portrayed like that so I'm looking forward to it)
Hobbies: Drinking rum, hanging out, fighting, and generally, all the fun things. Place of Origin: Highlands.
Rums a really wimpy drink. Champagne is a more dignified drink. Tequila can be good to gives stuff a bit of a kick.
Unfitmings fun enough but im gonna be awesome. If he even incorporates me I'll be like that random dude in the background who randomly has a seizure and dies
Re: LoKaW - Feather's Version: Sign Ups your parents don't teach And secret you don't know much about alcohol do you. Then again your only 9 maybe it's good you parents don't teach you stuff like poker when your 6