
Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by PRIME, Oct 22, 2015.

  1. Hey, just wondering why Kaw asked me to login into my account? I just updated, and it came up as though I've never played before on this device.. That has never happened before during all my years of play and updates.. So what's up with that Devs??

    Before you start asking yourself

    I assure you I wouldn't be asking if I wasn't a little weirded out by this.. Has this happened to anyone else?
  2. Got hacked brew
  3. It's happened to me before,
    All I did was close the app and restart it to fix the issue....
    It's bound to happen every once in a while though, no games are 100% bug free
  4. Hmmm not so sure about all that.. It had something to do with the last update..

    I wish I got hacked.. Then someone would be able to see how broke ass I am
  5. Careful what you wish for,
    There is a reason I have 5 passwords with most of them 20+ digits....

    Just take a picture and post it for us to see how broke you are 
  6. PRIME's so broke, when he goes to KFC, he licks other people's fingers
  7. Did you do a device upgrade or a kaw app upgrade?
  8. Just an app upgrade... Same old iPhone... Which is weird right??
  9. I had this once. Freaked me out too. I just restarted the app and all was ok
  10. Just the apple keychain getting bleached
  11. Well as long as it's not my butthole getting bleached then that's okay..

    If the Devs have nothing to say then you can go ahead and eagle this thread at your earliest convenience...

    Thanks for coming
  12. What device is that acct on?
  13. iPhone 5s.. That shouldn't matter though right?
  14. This is the email response from Ellie at support about iPhone 3GS devices

    This is a known issue with that device. Our developers are aware of this issue and are looking into it.

    In the meantime, please revert your game to an older version by restoring from a saved iTunes or iCloud back up. Deleting and reinstalling will only temporarily help. Or if you have another device, please try using that one for the time being.
  15. Im on an older iPad, and have accts on 5c, and 2 other on older 3GS devices, as well as a first gen iPod Touch. The acct I'm having probs with is the newer iPhone 3GS. Sits at loading screen for 30 seconds, then kicks off to main screen. That was supports response to me this morning

    I'm getting the feeling that devs are wanting us to support the device company's and spend money to buy new ones, to be able to play our alts. It's a sneaky way they have of eliminating a lot of ppl with multiple accts, as alts typically don't spend near as much, or any rl $ on kaw
  16. Prime so broke when people see him walking down the street with one shoe on they asked if he lost one and he's like.... "No I found one"
  17. Hmmmmm I did notice on my iPhone4 it takes FOREVER to load up, but this asking for my credentials has never happened before (after updating the app)

    Thanks for the input Luck I'd send an email to support, but we all know that would solve my problem right away...


  18. that's gold, I'm using that at work
  19. That was a great one Ty
  20. It's off SouthPark. I would tell you to search and watch it somewhere but it's promoting another app so I won't 