Locking roster of non-warring players... why?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by n8milIs, Apr 28, 2013.

  1. So, once your clan is warring, or getting matched for war, you can't leave the clan, even if you don't have Wave Of Conflict cast. Is there still a good reason for that, or is this a holdover from prior to Rancor wars? I think, personally, it's pretty lame to lock everybody into a clan for no good reason, relegate them to the BL
  2. Its done so that the roster doesnt change around after sign up..
    Makes tracking a whole lot easier^
  3. It creates clan unity. War as a clan watch as a member.
    Also strategy purpose. So nobody can leak info.
  4. Anybody leaving the clan after sign up could mess up the tracker's strategy. If people were able to leave mid war, some clans would exploit this and make certain accounts that would purposely leave in order to confuse the opposing trackers.
  5. You could have all your bi hitters leave, get matched up with a weak clan, then rejoin and kill the other clan
  6. But that's irrelevant if you disable the ability to join a clan that's in a locked roster war. You should allow players that aren't warring to leave and pursue other entertainment.
  7. If you can't do anything just hit the people on the opposing clan that aren't in the war 
  8. Maybe just maybe... Now hear me out. Leave way before roaster lock and come back after?