Re: KaW Drama: Episode 1 o.o not sure how I should feel about this. I have 3 things I think about this... 1. These accounts are both Devouring 2. It's devouring and someone who agreed to this to try to "play" kaw. 3. This is actually real.... Not sure which one I actually want to believe o.o
Re: KaW Drama: Episode 1 As someone who has farmed Renji multiple times for being obnoxious with females here, I can confirm this is most likely true.
Re: KaW Drama: Episode 1 I'd love to believe this is really but I'm not sure.....hmmmmmm....still funny though
Re: KaW Drama: Episode 1 This happened earlier today. Don't know how this could of been staged. I met him through world chat. He was complaining about how people are fake. So I decided to investigate. Had to crop some of our chat, he was cussing or using inappropriate words. Im not sure if he even knows about forums. But this is 100% real.
Re: KaW Drama: Episode 1 What a pathetic piece of crap you are Devouring. You misrepresent yourself, you betray the trust of pm, all so you can publicly embarrass some poor smuck. Go die under a tree already.
Re: KaW Drama: Episode 1 first. can i point out this is just about the same plot from the movie anger managment with adam sandler second. 32 years old trying to date a 18 year old girl online on a game he asked for this trolling 100%
Re: KaW Drama: Episode 1 You said it yourself, the Internet is not the place for these issues. Not sure why Skippy would looks for advise in relationships from a random player. But If he needs REAL advise, I could help him.
Re: KaW Drama: Episode 1 Lmfao... i have always thought of devouring as one of the most miserable trolls on this game. If this is real then A+