Land Costs: Lowlands Land 1-Free. Land 2-1 k Land 3- 1 k. Land 4-5 k Land 5-30 k. Land 6-150 k Land 7-300 k. Land 8-750 k Land 9-1.5 m. Land 10-2.5 m Land 11-3.5 m. Land 12-5 m Land 13-10 m. Land 14-20 m Land 15-60 m. Land 16-100 m Land 17-200 m. Land 18-300 m Land 19-600 m. Land 20-900 m Land 21-1.3 b. Land 22-1.5 b Land 23-1.8 b. Land 24-2.1 b Land 25-3 b HighLands: Land 26-3 b. Land 27-3.5 b Land 28-4 b. Land 29-4.5 b Land 30-9 b. Land 31-11b Land 32- 13 b. Land 33-15 b Land 34-17 b. Land 35-20 b Land 36-25 b. Land 37-30 b Land 38-40 b. Land 39-70 b Land 40-80 b. Land 41-90 b Land 42-110 b. Land 43-115 b Land 44-120 b. Land 45-140 b Land 46-160 b. Land 47-170 b Land 48-210 b. Land 49-250 b Land 50-300 b Types of Buildings- T1 Troop Buildings: Workshop Stable Barracks Lvl 1 T1 cost:25 k Lvl 2 T1 cost:200 k Lvl 3 T1 cost:1.5 m T2 Troop Buildings: Forge Beastiary War Cathedral Lvl 1 T2 cost:1.75 m Lvl 2 T2 cost:3 m Lvl 3 T2 cost:5 m T3 Troop Buildings: Subterranean Factory War Aviary Summoning Circle Lvl 1 T3 cost:130 m Lvl 2 T3 cost:350 m Lvl 3 T3 cost:850 m T4 Troop Buildings: Cursed Foundry Circle of Elements Titans Lair Lvl 1 T4 cost:3.75 b Lvl 2 T4 cost:7.5 b Lvl 3 T4 cost:15 b T1 Spy Buildings: Guild Lvl 1 T1 spy:25 k Lvl 2 T1 spy:2.5 m Lvl 3 T1 spy:75 m Lvl 4 T1 spy:900 m T2 Spy Buildings: Stronghold of Shadows Lvl 1 T2 Spy:3.96 b Lvl 2 T2 Spy:7.92 b Lvl 2 T2 Spy:15.84 b Total Defense Buildings: Defensive Building Lvl 1:25 k Lvl 2:4.75 m Lvl 3:30 m Defensive Fortress Lvl 1:1 b Lvl 2:3.1 b Lvl 3:14.5 b Total Spy Defense Buildings: Lookout Tower Lvl 1:25 k Lvl 2:2.5 m Lvl 3:75 m Lvl 4:900 m Lookout Fortress Lvl 1:3.5 b Lvl 2:7.75 b Lvl 3:15 b b=billion m=million t=trillion k=thousand Castle: Lvl 1-Free, it comes when u start the game and gives absolutely nothing Lvl 2-4 b, u need to have 25 lands to get it and it gives 40k attack, 40k defense, 30k spy attack and 30k spy defense Lvl 3-10 b, u need to have 12 lands in the HighLand to get it and it gives 60k attack, 60k defense, 40k spy attack and 40k spy defense Epic Battles: Warbeast Cover of Night Kingdom Assault To The Chamber The Depraved The Awakening The Despair The Forgotten Ones (tfo) The Reckoning Abandoned Kingdom Foreign Territories Battle Royal (BR) Origins Evanescence No Mans Land (NML) The Haunting No Quarter (NQ) Ambush The Destroyer City of the Dead (CoD) Figure of Death (FoD) Talons of Carnage (ToC) New Growth Scionic Storm (SS) Sporavek's Revenge (SR) EB's that drop equipment: Sporavek's Revenge Scionic Storm New Growth FoD CoD The Destroyer No Quarter NML Origins The Reckoning Clans: U can make a clan by having no clan, hit the button "make a clan", and paying either 25 b or 100 nobility points U can also join a clan by hitting search clan, typing in the clan u want to join, and hitting join. U applied to join the clan and u wait to see if your accepted! What can and ADMIN do? And admin can kick members, start EB's/wars, and accept/reject people. Admins can also change/erase Clan Info How do I chat in World Chat, Clan Chat and Allies Chat? Go on your screen in KaW. U will see what looks like a Strip of white with black words on it. Click on that! U will then see words ppl said and up top u see, World, Clan, and Allies. Hit "Clan" if you want to talk to your clan. Hit "world" if u want to talk to all the people on KaW. It will cost 1 speaker Hit "Allies if you want to chat to your hired allies and to your owner What's a good way to make money? Joining a clan and hitting the EB (Epic Battle) of course! U hit the EB and if your clan finishes the EB u get gold for your participation! Clan Wars Tips!! If your in a clan war and active in it make sure u have no gold. That way the opponent's clan can't steal from you. Also run down all your units right away cause if your under 20% in units people can't hit you. If they try it will say "Defender to Weak". If your planning on making your whole clan do that I will say u do a Skirmish. Cause if you do a Full Out War (48 hours) your WHOLE clan will have to be on 2 days straight If your whole clan does this you have a great chance of winning the war Items from the marketplace: Items from the marketplace can help u either hit people and EB's with a better chance of being successful (attack/spy attack items) Items from the marketplace can also help u when people hit you it helps u give them a better chance of being unsuccessful (defense/spy defense items) This is only a TINY bit of KaW, but hope that helps everyone out! Ty for reading!
I like it, it's simple, fast to read thru. And probably very good for those too lazy to read the longer more detail guides. One suggestion: replace your "U" with "You".