Welcome to Lion' Guide to KaW Equations!! Please Wall Me If I Have Anything Missing or Incorrect I Will Edit It!! Table of Contents: Wars Allies Battle Pots My Thanks WARS War Tax War Tax=1/5 of Plunder MONEY MADE Money Made=Plunder-War Tax ALLIES ALLIES DROPPED Refund=Price x .57 NEXT PRICE After Hire Price=Previous Pricex1.05 BEFORE AFTER ALLIES IN BATTLE More Allies=Greater chance of winning and an increased plunder Less Allies=Lesser chance of winning and small plunder BATTLE REWARDS Win+Larger Opponent=Large Reward Win+Equal Opponent=Decent Reward Win+Smaller Opponent=Small Reward Loss=No Reward DEFENDER TOO WEAK (DTW) Hit+Opponent Troops Less Than 20%=DTW Hit+OSF+No Opponent Money=DTW GOLD WON Gold won=Plunder+Ally Bonus-War Tax(If Any) POTS ATTACK AND DEFENSE (least expensive to most) 1=+15,000 2=+30,000 3=+75,000 4=+180,000 5=+300,000 6=+700,000 7=+1,300,000 8=+2,700,000 9=+7,000,000 10=+23,000,000 11=+39,700,000 SPY ATTACK AND DEFENSE (least expensive to most) 1=+7,500 2=+32,500 3=+100,000 4=+300,000 5=+900,000 6=+2,000,000 7=+7,000,000 8=+15,000,000 9=+30,000,000 MY THANKS Here I would like to express my thanks to Mr-Penguin for giving me the idea, and most of all, dillybar for helping me create the guide. Thank You! *If you need more help, try this...---> viewtopic.php?f=6&t=14619&hilit=kaw+handbook or this -----> http://www.kawaddictsanonymous.co.cc/ UPDATES SOON TO COME!!! BUMP IF YOU LIKE IT!!!
I guess this is useful for brand new people but other than that this is all well known stuff that doesn't need a guide. When I saw the word "equations" I was thinking something a bit more detailed. For example, the function that determines the exact percentage of your max plunder that you earn when hitting someone of a certain strength. Or how about the exact amount that your opponent loses when you steal/attack them. Those would be more interesting things to know.
Thanks for the insight Anomalous, wall me with what you think i should add and dilly and i will figure them out for you
deja vu.... the format reminds me of the format my math teacher was using 2 days ago to teach us about something... lol
I never thought maths was so easy ... Anyways at Allies section, the refund price, Price / 1.75 ? We're suppose to get a lower amount of the higher price, not a higher amount when dropped . Also, there's another formula, which is the % gained when allies get hired AWAY from you ξ
You've also forgotten the Spy Attacks 'formula', such as Steal OSF with attack troop above 20% and is pure spy 0 or has money out = $$$